Burns’ Supper

Primary 6 where very busy in class learning all about Robert Burns in preparation for our burns supper which was on Thursday the 21st of January.  Everyone who came had an excellent time.  It was a night to remember!

We learned about all different types of tartan and made our own design of tartan, and we also found out that people in our class have their own family tartan.

We learned the meanings some of the Scots dialect  that was heard at the burns supper during some of our poems and songs.

Recently  we drew some charcoal drawing of Robert burns, it got messy and there was charcoal everywhere but we still had fun doing it.

Half of the primary six class made haggis, neaps and tatties while the other half of the class made invitations and posters for our Burns Supper. After we made the food the whole class got to try a bit some people didn’t want to because they thought that they might not like it but after a little taste of the food everyone loved it

We all had fun with our Burns’ Supper and are looking forward to our next topic which is Scotland’s Time Lords.

by Sophie and Sienna


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