Ready, Steady Cook in P5!

P5 have had a busy morning making cheese and bacon potato skins. First we had to cut cooked potatoes in half, then we had to scoop out the potato and put it into a bowl with some bacon. We mixed the potato and bacon together and used the mix to refill the potato skins. We then sprinkled some cheese on top.

Mrs Martin tasted our potato skins and we got to try them too.

Erin M and most of the class said- “It was so amazing! I will be making these at home!”

Primary 5 would like to say thank you to Mrs Green and Mrs Smith!

2 thoughts on “Ready, Steady Cook in P5!”

  1. These potatoes look very tasty indeed! Mrs Martin will find it hard to choose a winner in the ready, steady, cook challenge! We’ll find out on Monday what class made the best dish!

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