P7 Graduation 19 June 2015

We are looking forward to our special P7 event this afternoon. The graduation will start at 1.30pm. Please line up at the left door main entrance and we will get you in to the hall as soon as we have cleared up from lunch time.

Tea and coffee will be available on arrival.

Our P7 pupils will impress you today with their talents in singing, acting and dancing.

We will then present all pupils with a certificate of achievement and the six school cups. All school staff have voted for the pupils they feel are worthy of receiving the school cups. We will announce the winners of our school cups for the most successful learner, effective contributor, responsible citizen, confident individual, outstanding sports person and exceptional team player.  There will be a very special presentation from the Robert Burns World Federation to our 3 fantastic artists who came 1st, 2nd and 3rd in a national competition.

Our infant choir will finish off the graduation with 3 songs before the P7 graduates join their family in the hall for light refreshments and photos. We had hoped to finish the graduation in the community garden but the Met office forecast today is cloudy with light showers 🙁

We look forward to seeing you this afternoon on this memorable occasion!

3 thoughts on “P7 Graduation 19 June 2015”

  1. I really enjoyed the p7 graduation show. Very well organised and glad to see everyone supporting each other. Well done to children and staff for all their hard work.

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