Nursery Class Graduation

The boys and girls of Glenmanor Nursery Class enjoyed a very special day yesterday (Thursday 18 June).  The preschool children had their graduation in preparation for their move to primary school.

It was an emotional experience for all the mums, dads, grandparents, aunts and uncles but also an emotional experience for all their teachers!

We wish them all good luck as they move to primary school.  We will miss you all!

3 thoughts on “Nursery Class Graduation”

  1. I was very proud of all of our children today. Lovely singing and actions. There was not a dry eye in the house!
    I can see that you are ready for school and we can’t wait for you to start Primary 1 where I am sure you will continue to be successful learners.

  2. Well done to the Nursery Team for a fantastic event. There was a brilliant turnout of parents and family members and the atmosphere was lovely. The children were very confident and a credit to parents and staff who have been working in partnership to prepare them for primary 1.

  3. Well done to all our nursery children, I was so proud of you all. You all sang beautifully and you amazed all your families by remembering every single word to eleven songs. You really are all so amazing.

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