P2/3 Planting Beans


1.   Get a pot.


2.  Add soil.


3.  Place the bean in the soil making sure the split part of the bean is at the top of the soil.


4.  Add water.


5.   Sit in the sunlight and water every day.


If you take good care of your plants they will grow really tall.

P2/3 have enjoyed taking care of their plants and helping Mrs Ewart to find the sunlight.

4 thoughts on “P2/3 Planting Beans”

  1. Wow P2/3 your beans have really grown! I hope you get to plant them in the garden soon so as they can grow into yummy beans to cook with…..or maybe even a giant beanstalk!

  2. Well done P2/3! You have followed the instructions carefully and looked after your beans well and look how they have grown! Are you going to put your plants in our school garden?

  3. I didn’t realise you had such green fingers P2/3! I can see that you are taking good care of your plants. Well done.

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