P7 Leavers’ Events June 2015

P7 Leavers’ Beach Party, The Knights of St Columba

Thursday 11 June, 7-9pm

Our P7 leavers’ beach party will take place in the main hall of Knights of St Columba and will run from 7-9pm. One of our parents, Mr McClean will be DJ and Alex Graham Caterers will be provide burgers, wedges and ice cream The school will provide drinks.

This event is informal, and the focus is very much on the children relaxing and having fun together.

We have planned this special event to ensure that parents/carers do not have any additional expense. We also want to create an experience that includes everyone and therefore, we respectfully ask that children come dressed casually, not formally. We discourage the hiring of limousines for the same reasons.

Each pupil must be collected by an adult from the venue at 9.00pm.

 P7 Graduation Ceremony, Glenmanor Primary School Hall

Friday 19 June, 1.30pm-2.30pm

We would like to invite our P7 parents and carers to join us for this very special event. Doors will open from 1pm and the graduation will begin at 1.30pm.

The graduation will feature a presentation by the P7 pupils followed by the presentation of school cups.

P7 pupils have planned a very ambitious modern programme to show off their talents including singing, acting and dancing. There are also a few surprises too.

Our invited guests will then present the school cups in recognition of outstanding achievement in 6 categories – Effective Contributor, Confident Individual, Responsible Citizen, Successful Learner, Outstanding Sports Person and Exceptional Team Player. All members of staff have voted to select the recipients of each school cup.

The graduation will last until approximately 2.30pm when our infant choir will sing and light refreshments and snacks will be served in our community garden, weather permitting.

Summer Service, Glenmanor Primary School Hall

Wednesday 24 June, 9.30-10.30am

All parents and carers are invited to come together to share school achievements and say farewell to our Primary 7 pupils. Our school chaplain, Mark McKeown, will talk about the theme of “New Beginnings”. We are delighted that some former pupils will be performing with their band ‘Midnight Sketch’ at the service.

We hope you will be able to join us for these events. We would like to take this opportunity to thank you for supporting events during the course of this year and we wish our P7 pupils the best of luck.

2 thoughts on “P7 Leavers’ Events June 2015”

  1. The party was fantastic I had a great time and want to do it all over again . I can’t wait to go to high school and I am looking forward to the graduation as we have lots of surprises in store for everyone . Again the party was so fun and thank you to all the teachers that helped!!!!

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