P2/3 Rainbow Salad

P2/3 were in the Learning Kitchen this week and enjoyed working with the colourful vegetables that can be used in a salad.  They used a cutting technique called ‘the claw’ to help them cut their vegetables safely.  As well as learning to cut safely, this experience gave children the opportunity to taste the different vegetables.  To make this fun, each child made their own colourful, rainbow salad face and then with a little mayo, they started to crunch away.  If you like eating nachos and dipping them into salsa, why don’t you add a few crunchy vegetables to dip?

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3 thoughts on “P2/3 Rainbow Salad”

  1. Lots of active learning and concentration. I am pleased that you tried some vegetables you hadn’t tried before and that some of you really enjoyed them! I love the smiley faces you have created on your plates. Great fun!

  2. This looks like a lot of fun! The boys look as if they have perfected their ‘claw’ cutting technique. Well done P2/3, these salads look delicious!

  3. What a great idea, making salad into funny faces, so much fun and very healthy to eat. Well done!

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