P4 Helpful Herbs

Primary 4 smelled and tasted some fabulous herbs in the classroom. We found out that Rosemary was useful during plague times to get rid of bad smells. We also found out that Chives were used in China as far back as 300BC and were used to make antidotes for poisons. Did you know that Mint is an invasive herb? This means that it takes over other herbs and plants, so it is best to put it in a pot instead of the garden.

Our class went out into the garden and started decorating plant pots in which we planted herb seeds. Some of us chose to plant Dill, Parsley, Basil, Coriander and Tarragon.

At the end we got a stick and wrote our name and what herb plant we planted and stuck it in the pot. Hopefully, they’ll grow into herb plants and we look forward to using them in our recipes.


10 thoughts on “P4 Helpful Herbs”

  1. I had fun planting the herbs .my favourite herb is chives it smells and taste nice other herbs are ;mint,rosemary,persley,basil and dill.

  2. I had loads of fun at the open event,my dad came and he said he enjoyed it.I am looking forward to hopefully see all the herbs grow and we can all use our herbs in all of our recipes and enjoy them to eat in our recipes.

  3. I’m so glad you enjoyed the Open Event girls! I can’t wait until our herbs grow and we can experiment with them in the learning kitchen! Maybe we could make a Basil and Tomato Tartlet like P4/5!

  4. You look like you were having a lovely time learning in the sensory garden. Thank you to all the parents who came along this morning to join in the learning. We love it when you come in to see the pupils working hard! If you want to make a comment about your visit this morning, please add below.

  5. Sorry I missed the open day looks great having a peppermint tea & look forward to fresh basil!

  6. Great work Primary 4! We will be able to use lots of your herbs in various recipes next session. I can’t wait!

  7. Looks like everyone one had fun , my daughter may have forgotten to tell her mummy about this!

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