Glenboig Primary School

January 25, 2017
by User deactivated

Scottish Country Dancing

We made up our own routines using the dance moves we’ve been learning in Scottish Country Dancing. We performed it for each other and peer assessed what we thought of them. It was so much fun!

September 16, 2016
by Mrs Wright

P4’s Marvellous Medicine

Primary 4 have been reading ‘George’s Marvellous Medicine’. The children drew and painted George and all the weird and wonderful things he used to create his ‘Marvellous Medicine’.

March 11, 2016
by Adam Ferguson

Super Readers

On world book day in Glenboig Primary P4/5 made a class library. We dressed up as our favourite book characters. When we were dressed up our teacher took photos of us all. We made a wall and made and coloured … Continue reading

March 4, 2016
by Mrs Wright

Building Houses

  Inspired by the True Story of the Three Little Pigs, P4/5 have been building houses made from straw, sticks and bricks. I wonder what house will survive a Big Bad Wolf sneeze.

March 2, 2016
by Ryan David Henrik

A Starry Night

  Yesterday we made these brilliant paintings of a starry night by Van Gogh we used oil pastels for every thing it took us a while but it must have taken Van Gogh longer.

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