Primary Two have been learning to add and takeaway ten this week. We have been using Base 10 materials to help us.
February 8, 2017
by Miss Lawson
February 8, 2017
by Miss Lawson
Primary Two have been learning to add and takeaway ten this week. We have been using Base 10 materials to help us.
January 25, 2017
by Miss Lawson
P2 enjoyed tasting Scottish food today. We learned all about Rabbie Burns and what is served at a traditional Burns Supper. We then tried haggis, neeps and tatties. We loved it so much there wasn’t one bit left! Even Miss … Continue reading
December 19, 2016
by Mrs Macindoe
A great time was had by all at our Infants Christmas party! A big thank you to Jannie Jim for being our DJ … and Miss Lawson, Mrs McLaughlin & Miss Scott for their dance moves! 🙂 We even had … Continue reading
September 20, 2016
by Miss Lawson
P2 were excited to get a very special delivery this morning… two rare dinosaur eggs sent to us by a palaeontologist! She has asked if we can look after the eggs until they hatch… We are excited to predict what … Continue reading
August 30, 2016
by Mrs Macindoe
A huge thank you to all the lovely parents who came to meet their child’s class teacher tonight! It was a fantastic turnout and your support is greatly appreciated. Don’t forget the first Parent Council Meeting is on Monday 5th … Continue reading
August 18, 2016
by Mrs Macindoe
This is Primary 2 and our teacher is Miss Lawson.
August 18, 2016
by Mrs Macindoe
All posts are now for our new session!
June 7, 2016
by Mrs Macindoe
A huge thank you to Mrs McLaughlin for arranging bikeability for every class. P1 & P2 had a great time – thank you to all the parents that managed to bring a bike to school (we know not an easy … Continue reading
February 24, 2016
by Miss Yule
February 11, 2016 by Miss Yule | 0 comments
One of our classmates very kindly brought in some Chinese snacks for us to try. All the boys and girls had lots of fun trying new things. Thank you!
This gallery contains 9 photos
January 25, 2016 by Miss Yule | 0 comments
Primary 2 had lots of fun trying Scottish foods this afternoon. We tried haggis, neeps, tatties, shortbread and Irn-Bru. It was very tasty!
This gallery contains 11 photos
December 14, 2015
by Mrs Macindoe
Today was dress rehearsal day … and our children, as always did us proud! They remembered all their lines, sang their hearts out with lots of actions and smiled all the way through both the P4-7 Christmas Show and the … Continue reading
December 8, 2015
by Miss Yule
Primary 2 had two special visitors visit our class – Mary and Joseph! Mary and Joseph had lots of fun helping us paint star shaped Santa’s and we were very impressed with their good listening when they came to listen to a … Continue reading
December 8, 2015
by Miss Yule
Primary 2 had great fun decorating our class Christmas tree with Miss Yule and Mrs McAlonan. We put the decorations on carefully then we wrote super instructions to tell other people how to decorate a Christmas tree – ask us what … Continue reading
November 25, 2015
by Miss Yule
Primary 2 had great fun showing their costumes at the Halloween parade! We also made some pumpkins.
November 25, 2015
by Miss Yule
Keep practising your parts for the nativity. You are fab! Upper school and lower school shows are on Tuesday 15th December.
October 8, 2015 by User deactivated | 0 comments
Welcome to our class page. We work hard with Miss Yule and Mrs McAlonan.