Glenboig Primary School

Primary 7 Magic Castle Open Evening


On Tuesday the 20th of December primary 7 held a Magic Castle Open Day. This was to showcase primary 7’s hard work and creations. We had fourteen stations including: an owlery, a hocus pocus cafe, a selfie station, an amour information station, a broom station, a wizard biography station, a spell station, a pin the tail on the dragon station, a secret panel station and lots more. Each station had a Hogwarts (Glenboig) student in charge of explaining the station. We had done lots of different pieces of work based on the magical world of Harry Potter and magic castles. We did things like write our own spells, a piece of writing on the secret panels, fact files, made our own armour, draw maps of castles and lots of art. At the owlery we had a real owl! Primary 1,2 and the nursery had a great time and we hope the adults have a great time tonight.

By Olivia P7

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