Glenboig Primary School

A busy week in Primary 1!


This week we have been learning our first sound “a” … it is tricky but we’ve been practising it lots, painting it, making it with play dough, using iPads, drawing it in the sand and now we can even write it in our jotters!  We have also learnt our first word “the” it is a cheeky word as you have to stick your tongue out when you say it!

Word detectives – using magnifying glass to find the word “the.”DSCN3972

Word games on the Smartboard


Alphabet work!

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Look at our beautiful writing!

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Here we are sorting and finding vowels. DSCN3981

In this game we are sorting the letters into ones with “holes” and ones without.


We love practising our letter formation on the iPads.  The app is called “Blobblewrite.”


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