technical department

Just another – North Lanarkshire site

National 5 GC

This course will allow to work on both your computer and manual skills to communicate a range of details including technical drawing and desk top publishing (advertising).

The course is split into 2 areas:

  1.  2D design
  2. 3D design

The course assessment is split into two areas with a total of 120 marks:

  1.  Folio (mix of manual and computer)
  2. Exam

For further online learning, there are more revision pieces on our EDMODO page.  Please sign up for free and use the following code to access the group:  qapu8b


Handouts for revision:

K&I Booklet

BSI course notes GHS

CAD commands course notes GHS

colour and DTP course notes GHS

Nat 4-5 graphics colour A5 booklet

revision2  some revision topics for Prelim exam 2018



KI homework 2

colour theory workbook

Building Drawing Homework 1

Building Drawings Homework 2

Buliding Drawings Symbols

HW dimensioning + line types

Homework DTP 1

Homework DTP 2

Homework graphs and charts 1

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