Category Archives: P5

In the News!

As part of our ‘In the News’ topic we worked in groups to create an opening theme tune for our own news shows.  After listening to theme songs for various news shows, we decided that our pieces had to have a fast beat, sound serious and build up at the end.

We had lots of fun experimenting with the instruments then performed our finished pieces to the class.

Yoga Tuesdays!

Every Tuesday, Primary 5 have been disappearing to the quietness of Mrs Neilly’s room to do some yoga. We have been practising our sun salutations and helping each other with the postures.

At the beginning and end we lie in Shavassna and enjoy some peaceful relaxation and meditation.  We finish by saying ‘Om shanti shanti shanti’ which means peace in body, speech and mind.

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Monkey Hot-Seating

Those of us reading The Twits had fun pretending to be Muggle-Wump the monkey in class today.

We had all written questions in advance and took it in turns to ask and answer them. Every version of Muggle Wump said they did not enjoy life in Mr Twit’s Great Upside Down Circus!

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Glittery Mindful Fun!

Before the snow fully hit Gartcosh, Primary 5 had some fun with glitter to illustrate what happens in our brains.

We each added different colours of glitter to a bottle of water. The bottle itself represented our skull, the water was the glue and the glitter was neurons and emotions.

When we shook the bottles we could see thousands and thousands of connections being made between the individual pieces of glitter. This showed just how complex our brains are!

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