Super Scientists

As part of our ‘Scottish Inventors’ topic, we have been learning about Alexander Fleming and how he discovered Penicillin (a type of anti-biotic).  Within this learning, we looked at microorganisms and conducted an experiment with yeast and sugar that resulted in the production of Carbon Dioxide.  Both mould  and yeast are fungus’. The yeast in our experiment was eating the sugar for energy. Fleming discovered that mould had Penicillin in it which killed bacteria. 

P5 had just as much of a shock that the balloon had blown up as Alexander Fleming did on his return from holiday to see no bacteria growing around a mould blob in his lab. The results were very interesting and we had lots of fun!

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Thank-you Nicola Clyne for helping to take this weeks blog post pictures.

What We’ve Been Learning in Primary 5

Our first term in Primary 5 has been full of fantastic learning! Some of our highlights have been;

Our first topic was Chocolate. Primary 5 presented some amazing ideas for new designs and learned all about the design process. As a homework project we actually produced our designs. Thank-you to all the parents and pupils for their effort, they looked good enough to eat! We also learned about the history of chocolate and Fairtrade.

We were lucky enough to visit the CineBus and learn all about dyslexia.

We love taking our learning outdoors, whether it be basketball in the playground, looking for signs of Autumn or showing the bridging technique in Maths.

Have a look at some of our snaps!



As we begin the new term we will continue our learning on Scottish Inventors. Keep an  eye out for more posts coming soon.

It’s been a great term so far, keep up the good work Primary 5! Have a lovely October Holiday!