Firpark Primary School

Welcome to Firpark Primary School

Mrs Webster’s Message


Happy 2018 to all children & families!!

Although last week was extremely disruptive for everyone particularly pupils and parents, I hope we can now settle into a routine and look forward to the year ahead.

Annual Reviews are currently being arranged for pupils in P2-5, with P6&7 reviews happening later in the year. In order to ensure minimal disruption to pupil learning we are only able to offer one appointment as these reviews take place during the school day. However if you are unable to attend due to work or family commitments we will happily discuss any aspects of the report with you at a later date.

This term we have a number of events involving mixed class groups and the whole school. These will include the National Cross Country Competition, Sponsored Bounce, Chinese New Year Celebrations and World Book Day / Literacy Fun Day. Please look out for details of these events.

“Bags to School” blue bags have been distributed to all pupils and hopefully this will give you the opportunity to have a clear out as well as help us generate some funds for the school.

This week all classes are having an interactive HD BENQ board installed as part of our Pupil Equity Fund (PEF) spend. These are replacing the outdated SMART Boards and provide a significantly improved learning experience for all pupils. We look forward to demonstrating their capabilities to you over the coming year.

As ever, please feel free to contact me if you wish to discuss any aspect of your child’s learning or the wider school community.

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