Christian aid letter

We are delighted to share this letter with you. Christian aid have sent us a letter about our coffee morning to say thank you for the money we have raised.



Gabby says that it was horrible seeing the refugees suffering and it’s made us happy that we have saved some refugees life’s.

Aimee says that she is happy that she worked really hard for the refugees and that they had nothing but now they might.

Bethany says that I can only hope that we have made a noticeable difference to a lot of lives.

P6 Chryston High Visit

On Wednesday 18th May 2016 all of Primary 6 went to Chryston High School for our half day visit. Everyone had an amazing time. The reason we went to the High School was so that we could get rid of our nerves and to help us feel better about going to High School. Everyone got name labels with their names, school and a number to show what group everyone was in.

When we arrived at Chryston High we met Mrs Mullen the depute head she told us the plan for the day and we met our group leaders who were there to help with any question we had and they were also our tour guides.

Then at 10:00 we went to our first class, some of the classes were Science, Art, Music, R.M.E, History, I.C.T, Maths and Drama. Each class everyone attended was at least 50 minutes long then when our first class was over we went outside to the courtyard to have break where all the first years go.  When break was over we all went to our second class to learn some more then lastly we went to our final class.

Everyone really enjoyed their half day visit at the High School and we can’t wait for our 2 day visit in Primary 7.

Written by Erin C and Fergus

Fundraiser obstacle course

imageimageimageimageOn Friday the 6th of April 2016 We enjoyed the amazing obstacle course that arrived at our school. there was a number of obstacles that were challenging but we had great fun. There was a 4 to 6ft wall that we had to climb. Then there was a climbing net which was challenging too. Also there was an rope bridge and finally there was a swinging monkey bar then you went through a wheel and did a sprint the tyres. In all of our obstacles we were very encouraging and we all tried our best.

By Cole and Lewis

here are some photos …

Our political parties

Hi we are the SNHP party whitch stands for Scottish national health party.we made this up because we thought that national health is important. We made five manifestos which is five promises. We promise to make we made 5 promises that we will keep and make shoot happens if we get voted in the Parliament.we help different ages and different times of health.

here are some of our manifestos and some of the pictures…



Our Political Parties

P6 are learning about the Scottish Parliament. We decided to make our own political parties. ,is Wallace was very impressed with the thought and effort put in to each party. Here we are the

O.S.P party and we represent Internet safety. The promises we are going to make are,

  • Avoiding any hackers, bullying and any source of abuse online
  • Improving online security by proving they are over the age limit
  • Delete any inappropriate accounts
  • Report accounts with inappropriate post



Our party colours are pink, purple and yellow they stand for online safety. We would like to make sure that if any child wants to use the internet they have to follow our promises. That is why we would like our party to successful.

Our logo is a speech bubble with the world inside. We think it is important for online safety to be included as a party.


we are  the snlp party which stands for Scottish national health party we hope that we can make it crucial that Scotland is healthy the members are Aimee Codi Leah and Cameron.


Continue reading “Our Political Parties”

Explanation Writing- What we have found out

We have been working on Explanation writing in class. Here are some features of an explanation piece of writing.

to start of with there is an intro which explains and introduces the subject.

this includes:

formal language

lots of connectives


complex connectives

detailed but understandable language

diagrams or photos are sometimes used

a conclusion to sum up the explanation

about 3-6 paragraphs


by Bethany and Codi

December in P6

We are so sorry for the delay! We have had a very busy but wonderful December together.

Last week we were invited to Chryston High to watch a pantomime. The cast were excellent and we all enjoyed Cinderella very much.

We visited Chryston Parish Church. It looks incredible inside and very modern.

Yesterday we visited New Lanark to experience a Victorian Christmas. The Victorians has been our topic in class. Did you know that many of the Christmas traditions today were created by the Victorians?


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