School Show

Sorry we have not blogged for quite some time. As you can see from the pictures below, we have been extremely busy practising for our school show.

P5 and P5/6 have been exploring the 90’s. We have found out that life was not that different. However, the advancements in technology have been astonishing.

We have all really enjoyed looking at fashion and listening to music from this decade









Science experiment

Our new science topic is natural disasters that are in the news. We are doing a science experiment it is what might affect how emergency aids are sent and what effects it by the weight,  by what type of parachute or the place it is going to land . We all think the height of the drop will effect it.

Some of us think it is going to take less time or it is going to take more time from the height it is dropped from. Here are some of the things we are going to keep the same. The parachute is the same the landing place is going to be the same. The weight is going to be the same and the same weather.

We have made our parachute it has a bag for the top of the parachute then some string to hold the aid box to the parachute. We are going to measure the time between the aid to drop then to landing.

We are going to go over to Chryston High school and we are going to drop it from the balcony. The rest of the class is going to be downstairs and two of our class members and an adult will go up to the balcony and drop the parachute while the rest of the class will be timing the experiment.

We will be doing the experiment this afternoon wish us luck.

By James, Ryan and Evan


In Primary 5\6 we have been learning about science for our topic. For science we have been learning about hurricane Mathew.

Here are some facts

  • These gigantic things can cause collateral damage and all the air goes inside of it.
  • Hurricanes can be over 100 feet high and 50 miles wide
  • Hurricanes start in the middle of the sea and goes round in circles then it hits land and that is how it works

by Brodie and Sarah

Open Morning in p 5/6

This morning in p5/6 we had an open morning. Most of our parents were here and we showed them around the class. We asked some of our classmates what they thought.

Liam- embarrassing because everyone looked at me whilst I was holding my little brother.

Sarah- amazing!


Taylor- really fun!

Ava- I wanted to show my hard work to my mum.

Joe- it was cool to see all the parents.

Miss Wallace- it was lovely to share our class and classroom to all the parents.

Max- it was cool to see all of the parents but my mum couldn’t come.


We were completing the task about the similarities and differences about our topic the U.S.A. which is sadly coming to an end. We also had to do a mind map of what we now know about the U.S.A.

I asked some classmates what they found out which they didn’t know already.

Paul- George Washington started slavery!

Taylor- Christopher Columbus found America.

Jocelyn- slavery was a big thing years ago.

Sarah- I didn’t know that there were 50 states.

We are looking forward to our next topic in p5/6.

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Our new class

Welcome to Primary 5/6 blog page. We have all settled in really well to life in P5/6 with Miss Wallace.

Our new topic is the U.S.A. Last week, we worked in small groups to research what life was like in the U.S.A. We presented this in a PicCollage to the class. It is a fun and interesting topic.

In P.E. we have been learning the skills involved in playing Hockey. Today we were practising step, swing and hit with the ball. Then we played in small groups of three.


As it is health week all classes got a coach called Ross Sweeney either doing fundamentals or badminton with us. As we are in the senior end of the school we were doing badminton and P6 really enjoyed this. Here are some of our photos from this experience.


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