Today P6 took part in a Superhero Science Workshop. We designed our own superhero called Electron. He had electronic, camouflage and mind reading powers. Our superhero had to try and defeat the evil scientist.
We also found out about different areas of Science. Here are some facts: –
- Cuttle fish are one of the best camouflaged animals to exist.
- Viruses can trick yourself to make more viruses.
- When a person is weight lifting, their muscles break and then they grow back stronger.
- Evolution allows the best version of specie to exist
- When viruses become cold they stop moving.
- If a person struggles to hear the hearing aid is a small microphone inserted close to their ear
Great facts Primary 6!
These are great facts, there are some there I didn’t know. Well done P6!
Wow P6 you learned lots of facts. P1/2 thought they were very interesting.