Our Visit To Primary 1

This morning we went down to primary 1’s classroom to see the baby chicks.  We each got a turn to hold the baby chicks if we wanted too.

There are 9 baby chick 7 of them are girls and 2 of them are boys.  We all got to see how to hold them and Mrs Noble couldn’t remeber all of there names.

Here are some of our thoughts –

Josh – I held Peck Peck he snuggled into me.

Kali –  The one that I held fell asleep in my hand.

Jake – It felt fluffy and it tried to jump off me.

Jocelyn – I thought that they looked a bit creepy to me because there eyes were black.



By Carmen and behalf of Primary 5.  😄😄😄




Volume and Capacity

Today we started to look at volume and capacity.


First we wrote what we knew about volume and capacity on the smartboard.

Here are some of our keywords-


metric and imperial








We know that there are 1000 millilitres in a litre.  We looked up kilolitres and we found out that there are 1000 litres in a kilolitre.

In pairs we worked out a statement to tell the difference between volume and capacity.

Keavie and Angus R – The volume is how much is in a container and the capacity is how much it can hold.

Grace – The capacity stays the same but the volume can change.


We are looking forward to doing some more practical work on volume and capacity.


Our Fun Time at the Mobile Assault Course

This afternoon we went to the mobile assault course in the school hall. We had to climb, swing and jump.  We had to be really fast and strong to get over the wall as it got higher and higher every time we went round.  It eventually reached 6 foot high which is just over 2 metres high.

Here are some of the bits we enjoyed the most.

Lewis- Trying to push yourself up the wall.

Rachel – I enjoyed the wall because it was fun and challenging.

Angus – I enjoyed going on the rope because it was fast.

Liam – I liked the wall because I was the first one to manage to get over it at 6 foot.



Today we are looking at the idea of chance and uncertainty.  We are using the words possible, impossible, likely and unlikely.


First of all today, we flipped coins 20 times to see how many times we got heads or tails.  We made predictions before we started.  Lots of us predicted that we would get half heads and half tails.  No-one predicted that we would get 20 heads and no tails as we thought that was very unlikely.

Most of us got around half and half with a couple of people getting lots more tails than heads or heads than tails.  This is because there is a 1 in 2 chance that it will land on heads and a 1 in 2 chance it will land on tails.

here are some statements we have made using the words likely, unlikely, impossible and certain.


Bethany – I will eat Mrs Rae’s desk for lunch.

Keavie – I will become 50 years older tomorrow.

Josh – I will live on the sun.

Matthew – When I tell a lie my nose will grow.

Taylor – I will  become Ronaldo tomorrow.

Liam – I will blow up today.

Jordan – I will turn into an alien today.


Max – One minute after 2 o’clock it will be one minute past 2.

Jocelyn – I will breathe today.

Jake – I will go to bed tonight.



Compass points

Today we were learning  about compass points.We Went outside and we took the iPads as well and used the compasses on it and draw them it was really fun because we learnt so much these are some comments about the task and how they thought it was.

Carmen-I thought it was really interesting.

Marty-I thought it was really fun and exiting.

Ava-I thought it was fun.

Ben-I thought it was awesome.

Evan-I thought it was really fun and great.

Taylor-I thought is was really exiting.

James-I thought it was good.



By Kali and  Jocelyn .

Our Sweet Sundaes

Yesterday in art we made tissue paper ice cream sundaes. We had to sketch it first and then put the tissue paper shapes we had cut out and then we glue it in with glue sticks. We had lots of FUN making them. We loved it but it did get very messy.

Here are some names of our sundaes!

Grace- Mixed Delight

Bethany- Sundae Surprise

Chris- Multi Sundae

Carmen- Sunday’s Sundae

Possession Games

This block we are working on possession games.  In possession games you have to keep the ball and try to get it to your team mate without the other team getting it.  When you are playing a possession game you need to be in a space that will let your team mate get the ball to you.

In order to keep the ball sometimes you can turn away from the person trying to get the ball, using your your back as a shield.  You can block the opponent using  your body or put the ball to the other side, bounce it with your other hand or kick with your other foot.  You can also change your pace or direction.


We are looking forward to practising these skills more.





As part of our “Breaking the Rules” topic, we have been looking at rules in different areas of our lives.


We know that rules are there to help us and can keep us safe.  They make things fair and when there are rules people know how to behave.

Here are the rules that we think are the most important.


Take your dirty plates into the kitchen.

Tidy up after yourself.

Do as you are told.

Do not be cruel to your family members.

Keep your bedroom tidy.

Don’t speak to people you don’t know on the phone or internet.

Don’t leave the house without permission.


No swearing

Don’t ever get into a stranger’s car.

Don’t steal.

No littering.  Keep the environment clean and healthy.

Don’t hurt others.

Don’t vandalise property.



Work hard and sensibly.

Always put your hand up.

Listen to the teacher so that you know what your task is.

Don’t bully other children.

Always walk with scissors.


Now we are going to think about if it is ever okay to break the rules.


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