The eels have arrived!


Today, we made history… We are the first class in Scotland to have eels in our classroom.  After break 2 ladies came into our classroom to bring the eels that are going to live in the tank.  The ladies talked to us and told us many different facts about the eels like what they look like, their life cycle, when they come, where they come from, where and how they travel, what they eat and how big they are.


Then, the lady used a net to scoop the eels out of the bucket and into the tank.  It took quite a long time because there were 50 of them and they are so small, wriggly, slimy and fast.


The lady told us that the type of eel they are is called and elver.  This is the 4th stage of their life cycle before they turn into yellow eels.  They are about 6/7cm long and about 2 years old.


The lady told us that when we feed them we have to only give them a very small pinch of food.  We have to feed them once in the morning and once at the end of the day.  At then end of each day we have to clear out a cup of water and replace it with a cup from the river water. WE MUST NOT USE TAP WATER EVER!


When all the eels were in the tank, each group had a chance to come and have a closer look.


We would like to invite the other classes to come to see them and we will arrange times for classes to do this.



We are looking forward to looking after the eels and releasing them at the end of the term.

3 thoughts on “The eels have arrived!”

  1. This sounds amazing P3/4, why have you not to use tap water for the tank? Primary 3 would love to come and visit your new friends.

  2. This is fantastic P3/4. I am so excited that you are taking part in this project and look forward to hearing more about your eels soon.

  3. I didn’t expect you to be getting eels in the tank!! They sound brilliant. I hope you have a lot of fun looking after them.

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