


We have been learning about Fractions.  The P3s have been focusing on tenths and the P4s have been focusing on fifths.  We made a pic collage to show what we had learned so far.  We are still working on our pic collages and we will upload more when we have them.


The main facts we know so far are : –

–  all the sections have to be equal sizes so if there are 10 equal sections it is tenths and if there are 5 equal sections it is fifths.

–  half of a fifth is a tenth

–  and half of a half is a quarter

– when we write a fraction the top number is called a numerator and the bottom number is called a denominator

–  one tenth = 1/10

–  2/10 = 1/5

–  one fifth = 1/5


We used cubes to build towers and then we described them using fractions.



3/5 are black and 2/5 are white




2/10 are brown

2/10 are blue

1/10 is red

1/10 is orange

1/10 is yellow

1/10 is green

1/10 is black

1/10 is white


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