A tasty conclusion to this months’ HWB topic


We had fun making and eating our healthy sandwiches.

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Leah – ‘It was fun when we made our sandwiches because there was lots of different ingredients to choose from.’

Lucy – ‘I put honey, cheese and cucumber on my sandwich. It was actually really nice.’

Kayla – ‘I put in honey and banana. It was very good!’

Alaina – ‘We were making sandwiches with Mrs Hashmi. I put cucumber, cheese and honey on mine.’

Katie – ‘First you have to get a loaf of bread and you need to be really careful with the big knives in case you cut yourself.’

Jack C – ‘I got my bread then put butter on it and I just put banana on it. It was really nice.’

Sonny – ‘I used the claw cutting skill to cut up the cucumber.’

Lilly – ‘I scooped out some butter to spread on my sandwich and cheese and cucumber.’

Iona – ‘First I got some bread and then I chopped up the banana and then I put some honey on it and closed my bread over.’

Zara – ‘First I spread the butter on my sandwich then I put honey and banana and tomato and cheese on it. I liked my sandwich.’

Lewis – ‘I put butter and honey and banana on my sandwich. It was nice.’

Amelie – ‘I grated lots and lots of cheese for my sandwich. Then I put on tomatoes and cucumber. It was actually really nice!’

Aaron – ‘I had the best white bread, butter, banana and honey! I used the bridge skill to cut my banana.’

Lucy – ‘Mrs Hashmi had healthy bread and not so healthy bread and I chose the healthy bread.’

Leah – ‘I really enjoyed making them and I tried new things like coleslaw.’

Our Learning Review

We have been very busy in p2/3 over the last week. Here are comments from some of the pupils on what they have enjoyed learning:

Leah – I enjoyed the snowman art and decorating the jazzy jars.

Katie – I liked doing the jazzy jars and snowman art too.

Amelie – The snowman art and jazzy jars were fun to do.

Jessica – I liked the snowman art and jazzy jars best too.

Millie – I liked learning how to make a snowman collage using different types of paper and fine line pens.

Zara – I liked maths. Counting in 5s is fun.

Kayla – My favourite thing was the Cooperative Learning Groups for our topic.

Lilly – I liked speed times tables challenges in maths.

Jack S – I liked doing the jazzy jars. Mine is beautiful!

Some pictures to follow!

Halloween Fun!

On Halloween we had fun dressing up for the day and each group even had a group mascot teddy! We designed and made 3D witches using skills of colour and cutting/gluing. The next day we learned about how Mexico celebrate and designed our own Sugar Skulls. More pictures to follow!


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Houses & Homes Topic Round-up!

We all really enjoyed our Houses and Homes topic which we finished a few weeks ago. Mrs Ross gave us a mini-quiz sheet with some feedback space at the end. Here are some of the things we enjoyed most about the topic:

‘Making the Ndebele houses’ – Jack C.
‘Learning about houses in the past.’ – Callan
‘Learning different types of houses.’ – Zara
‘Learning about Victorian houses.’ – Kayla
‘Learning about the different rooms.’ – Jessica

Have a look at our gallery with a few fantastic houses made as part of our homework and some of our Ndebele houses.


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End of Term Treat!

Primary 2/3 worked extremely hard to earn points towards their whole class reward this term. They had to reach 1000 points and got 1005! They did this by following our Class Charter which includes:

Do Work Hard

Do Include Others

Do Be Responsible

Do Listen To Others

Do Try Our Best

Here they are all cosied up with blankets, pillows and popcorn to enjoy their movie treat. I wonder what fabulous treat they will be working towards next term?

Maths Week

We had a lot of fun during Maths Week: Participating in Pattern. We looked at number patterns (odd/even, skip counting), shape and colour patterns, repeating patterns in our environment and even made up our own pattern dance sequences during PE. Here are a few photos (more to follow).

We enjoyed making our Pin Board Pattern creations!


Working hard on a number jigsaw
Using place value dice for colour patterns and odd/even numbers.
We found some patterns on a hunt around school with Mrs Hanson.
We worked together using Pin Boards to create repeating patterns.
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