Hello and Welcome

Welcome to our blog.  We have been busy this week, and will be showing you some of our work.  Our new topic is all about Ancient Egypt, and this wek we have made Egyptian death masks from clay.  These aren’t finished yet, but once they are dreid we can paint them and share them with you.

Josh – Before we made them we found out how much gold was around Tutamkahmun when he died.

Carmen – We learned that people robbed the tombs for the treasure.

Angus – We leraned that clay was messy.

Abbi – The clay was sticky and stuck to the board.  We had tp keep lifting it to stop it sticking.  Josh – And we needed to move it round as well.

By P3.  Goodbye, we will be back with more


We were learning about hot and cold colours.

We know that  the cold colours are  purple and green and blue and the hot colours are red orange and yellow.

And we made fishes and we painted the background.

And we used different colours like blue and dark blue and white and turquoise  for the back ground .

By Fraser and Gabrielle and Cole

Healthy Sandwich

This  is how to make a healthy sandwich. When your spreading butter you need just a little bit.

Then we put  all the bits and bobs on our  sandwiches .

We chopped them up and ate them nom nomm.

Last week  we did  placemats for our sandwiches .  Mine was similar to holly’s but hers was red and blue and mine was blue and red.

By Bethany L  Lyall and Julia

Primary 3. Science Week

This  week  we  done  science  like   dipping   eggs  in  cola .

I  have  learned how to do science  and  be  carful.

By Kara

I have learned how important it is to work as a team .

By Anya

I have learned that you have to eat healthy stuff.

By Hannah

We  all  enjoy  the  egg   in   cola  it   was    very  fun.

It was hard when we could not brake the egg. By Hannah Kara and Anya.

Primary 3 Fun Time!!

Blogged by Holly Erin m and Erin C

This week we are doing SCIENCE.

One of our experiments weas teeth vs cola.

We have learned that cola can damage your teeth because we put a boiled egg in in cola then we had to leave it over night and the next day it was brown and it had wee tiny dots on it so we brushed it with a tooth brush and it made a big differenc!!

We enjoyed today because it is science week and today we have to dress down and we had a great day on Wednesday because  we were rolling Teck decks

Balls and other stuff and we are doing other experiment today and mr Flanigan said it will be pay back.

We did not find anything difficult in our learning in fact it was very fun and exiting.

Fun Taught Writing

We  had   a  lot of  fun doing our taught writing work today  because  we  made  character descriptions   and    we  done   loads of    writing  in  our   jotters .

we  done   pictures  of    our   characters  so   if    you     want

to   learn   more   stuff   just  post  to   us.

by  Bethany   W    Bethany  L   Julia   S J 🙂

A small change to how we blog

We are going to change the way we blog.  Instead of making a big post at the end of a week, (or less often than that some weeks), P3 will blog more often.  Each week we will have 2 ‘blog teams’ who will have the responsibility of making blog posts.  We will still make class blogs together, but the blog teams will keep the blog up to date with the daily coming and going of Primary 3.

We hope that this lets you know even more about our learning and how we are getting on.

All at P3

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