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Welcome to primary 3s class blog.

We have had a great start to primary 3. We have been learning new things and doing fun activities like art, music, drama and we have been reading Katie Morag.

We have just started our new topic and it is Superheros.

We have a new teacher too!

We have been working very hard with our primary 3 work and we all have new reading books.

We have started Big Maths and we are learning our new facts and counting skills every day.

The boys and girls made up their class charter and decided what rules we will all follow in primary 3.

We all have new seats and new partners; we move around the class a lot and sit with different people for differnet activities.

Primary 3 are very busy bees and working so hard to learn new things!

Thank you for reading our class blog!

Commonwealth Volunteer Outfits

Today Mrs Walker visited Primary 3 to show us the designs for the Commonwealth Volunteer outfits.  The outfits have been designed by a company called Trespass.  Ava was very excited that her Mum was able to come and show us the designs.

Mrs Walker told us that there were 1500 volunteers that needed outfits.  There were two different designs.  One of them was black and red and this was for the normal volunteers.  The other was black, blue and green and this was for the people giving out the medal and timing the events.

Each volunteer will get trousers, a polo shirt, a hat, a bag, a waterproof jacket, a warm jumper and an umbrella.  The materials were special some of them helped to keep the volunteers dry if it was raining, warm if it was cold, it stopped them from sweating and the hat and the trousers even protects them from the sun.

We asked Mrs Walker lots of questions about her company and how the designs were put together.  We got to hold the outfits and also had the chance to design our own outfits for the volunteers.

Mrs Walker was a very interesting visitor and she taught as a lot this afternoon.  It was a very fun afternoon and Primary 3 want to thank her for coming.

The Big Dance Pledge 2014

Primary 3 did The Big Dance Pledge today.  We did it in the hall at 1pm and all of the school was there to watch us.

The photographer from one of the local newspapers came in to take some photographs look out for Primary 3 in your local paper soon.  Before we started some of us were excited and some of us started to feel a bit nervous.

Once we started we felt better and everyone was watching us.  Half way through our dance they all started clapping along and once we finished we could tell they loved it because they gave a huge clap and we’re cheering.

Mrs Woodward surprised the school when she said “you are all sitting far too still” and everyone had a go at joining in.  We think that everyone did very well to join in with our dance but some of us felt like we were being bossy because they were copying everything we did.  Some of us thought we were going to laugh because it was so strange.

We are all surprised that we learned it so we’ll and we are feeling proud of ourselves.  Thank you to all the children and teachers who came along and who took part.  We’ll done to everyone!

Our Super School Trip

On Wednesday primary 3 went on their school trip to Amazonia and The Strathclyde Park.  We went to Amazonia and we seen all of the rainforest animals.  Our guide took us around to see all of the animals.  There were toucans, taranchulas, macaws, fish, frogs, nocturnal animals, snakes and butterflies all around us.

After that our guide took us into the handling room.  The first animal we got to meet was Wall-E the snake.  Some of us got to put him around our necks and some of us got to hold him or feel his scales.  We thought he was heavy and we were surprised that he wasn’t slimey.  Then we got to meet Bubbles.  He was a fat tailed Gecko.  We learned an interesting fact about Bubbles, he can make his tail fall off and then he can grow a new one.  The last animal that we met was a tarachula called Dave.  We thought this name was funny because it was a girl.  Lots of us were very brave and got to hold Dave.

The last activity we got to do was play games in the interactive room.  We got to play a game where we learned what it would be like to be in a thunder storm in the rainforest.  We also got to catch the pretend butterflies and we had our photograph taken in the jungle.

After we had our picnic lunch we walked around the Strathclyde Loch.  We walked around the Loch so that we could see all of the preparations that are taking place so that The Strathclyde Park is ready to hold the Triathlon as part of The Commonwealth Games.

We saw the finishing tower where the athletes will end the race.  We seen the red curtains and the SEPA bhoy that are helping to make sure that the water is safe for swimming part of the race.  There was a construction site with lots of tractors and workmen who were busy getting things ready for the race.  We were lucky enough to see the man building the pontoon where the swimmers will start the race.

We even had enough time to go and have a play in the park.  We all had great fun even although one of us fell in the mud.  There were two zip lines and a huge swing that lots of us could sit on at the same time.  The boys had a hard job pushing but the girls enjoyed swinging.  Primary 3 thought the trip was awesome!

Big Dance Pledge Rehearsals

On Friday the 16th of May Primary 3 will be taking part in the Big Dance pledge 2014.  The Big Dance Pledge is a dance that has been made up especially for The Commonwealth Games.  It is is dance that will be done by as many people as possible all over The Commonwealth at 1pm on the same day.

So far we have learned 4 sections of the dance.  There are 5 different sections to the dance including the body percussion section, the Bompe section which is inspired from countires all over The Commonwealth, the highland section because Scotland is hosting the games, the freestyle section and last but not least the last section is a party section.

Primary 3 feel really happy and astonished that we have learned the dance so quickly and so well.  We are really excited to do our performance for the rest of the school.  This dance is really good fun and we can’t wait to show it off.

We will see all of the other classes on Friday at 1 o’clock sharp.  We hope you are excited to see what we have been up to.

Primary 3

Yummy Symmetrical Biscuits

Primary 3 made delicious biscuits using what they have been learning in weight so far this week.  We weighed out all of our ingredients using a kitchen scale.  We needed 250grams of plain flour, 125 grams of butter and 60 grams of icing sugar.  We also needed some milk and vanilla extract.  Mrs Noble and Mrs Ross cooked them in the oven.

This afternoon we decorated them with icing and some lovely toppings and we had to try to make our biscuits symmetrical.  We found this tricky because some of the toppings kept sliding off because the icing was not dry.

We think our biscuits are delicious and all the teachers said they were lovely.

Building Castles Using Weight

Primary 3 watched a video all about castles in Scotland.  We found out that castles are so strong because the strong and heavy bricks are always on the bottom.

We worked with a partner to design our own castles.  We had to cut out all the different sized bricks. There were four rules that we had to follow.  The most important one was that the heaviest bricks had to be on the bottom and we were not allowed to put a heavy brick on top of a lighter brick.

Our finished designs look really good and they are all different.

Our Easter Chick Artwork

Primary 3 learned how to finger paint and we made Easter chicks.  We finger painted with different colours to make it look like the different colours of the chick.  We also used our hands, we dipped them in yellow paint to make the wings of the chick.  We made the eyes, feet and the beak with orange and white paper.  We cut them out and stuck them on the chick.

Bethany: ‘It was gooey and felt weird when I put my hands in the yellow paint.’

Lianne: ‘It was really gooey, slimey and sticky when we used the glue and paint.’

Angus R: ‘It felt very weird when I put my hands in the paint.’

Our Class Rainforest

We have been learning about all the four different layers of a rainforest.  All four of the layers are the forest floor, the understory, the canopy and the emergent layer. All of the layers are different.

We used the iPads to look on the internet for all of our information and have been learning how to use key words to do internet searches.  We made our very own rainforest in the classroom.  We painted the trees.  We cut out all of the leaves using a stencil and to make the tree trunks we put little lines on them to make them look like wood.

By Primary 3

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