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This week in maths we have been making number lines. We have beeb looking at the position of numbers in a number line. We can could up and back from 100. We have been looking at numbers written as words now.


Ryan- “We learned our ten times table using the X in our sum”.

Rhys- “We learned a lot about number lines.”

Andrew- “I can change number words to a number.”

Niamh- “I liked sticking together our number lines.”

Caiden- “I liked learning some new times tables.”

Dionne- “I liked getting to do our Big Maths Beat That.”

Riley- “We made little windows that tell you the number word and the number.’



Superheroes Topic

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We have had a lot of fun this week. We have made superhero skylines and added our photo to our artwork. We made our own superheroes with special powers. In the playground we drew around our partner and made them into a superhero.


Ewan- I liked drawing around my partner with chalk.

Dionne- I liked making the skyline with tissue paper.

Riley- I liked making the speech bubbles for our superheroes.

Andrew- I loved drawing around each other with the chalk.

Nieve- I liked making our own big superheroes.

Rhys- I liked drawing our superheroes and making the skyline.

Ryan- I making the masks and big superheroes.

Caiden- I liked putting the tissue paper on the skyline.







More Rainforest animals

We have been very busy in Priamry 3! After we made our presentations on rainforest animals we decided to make some models of them. We brought in lots of junk as part of our homework so we could make the animals. We worked in our cooperative learning groups to decide how we would make the models, some groups made a big model and others made smaller puppets. We also decided if we should make 1 model between us or 4 models so we all had one each. We were so busy today painting, cutting and sticking! Hopefully our models will be all dry tomorrow and we can show them off.

Here is some pictures of us all hard at work










Awesome outdoor day!

Yesterday was outdoor day for Health week. We got to go outside and do lots of fun games and activities at the outdoor committees stalls. In the afternoon we were outside gardening in the infants playground. After that we learned about the different parts of a plant. We worked in pairs to draw plants on the ground using chalk. We also went on an outdoor alphabet hunt and had to find words for each letter of the alphabet.

I learned the different parts of a flower-Jenna

I learned that daffodils are not weeds- Alfie

I learned how to pull out weeds- Hannah

We were gardening outside; this was great fun- Calum H

I know what a weed looks like now- Melanie Grace

I know how to pull out a weed properly- Kyle

I learned how to use the alphabet and find words for each letter- Violet

Now we know not to dig out the plants- Paul

I got my face painted. I got a love heart-Robyn

I got my photograph taken in the photo booth with Calum-Aaron

I got a picture with Hannah and Katelyn-Abigail

I got lots of hoops in the basketball-Aaraa

Paul, Joey, Aaron, Calum S, Kyle, Elliot, Alfie, Cole, Calum G and Calum H all managed to beat the Primary 6 goalie!

We all had a great day, thank you to the outdoor committee for organising such a fun day.

Amazing Animals in Amazonia!

We had a great day yesterday as we went on a class trip to Amazonia, an indoor Rainforest. We learned lots of new facts and got to visit and hold the animals. We even got to explore a real rainforest and look at all the different layers.

We had never seen spiders this big before- Christie

We got to hold a corn snake, a cockroach and a bearded dragon- Hannah

I was the first person to have a snake around my neck- Aaron

We went on a hunt and we had to find different animals- Kyle

Red eye frogs drink with their skin and they eat with their eyes- Jenna

I learned that corn snakes strangle and suffocate their prey- Alfie

We held a corn snake; it was the colour of corn- Violet

Katy said the bearded dragon liked to tap dance –Joey

The corn snake felt really plastic- Aaraa

Now I know what a bearded dragon, a corn snake and a big cockroach feels like- Cole
The bearded dragon is having babies-Melanie Grace

If a bearded dragon sees another bearded dragon going near his girlfriend he will puff his neck up –Elliot

We didn’t know that bats could fly that fast- Eva

We had to catch butterflies in the interactive room. Team 2 won! Paul

There were birds like Blue and Jewel from the film Rio- Robyn

The nocturnal area was set up like night time- Harris

I saw a python and it was really long, it takes 3 people to hold him- Calum H

Here are some of the photographs that we took yesterday:

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Brilliant Butterflies

We were very lucky today as we got to go and visit the butterflies in Primary 2.

We got to see the beautiful butterflies and their colourful wings.

We learned a lot from Primary 2 but we won’t tell you what they shared, if you have a look on their class blog you will see all the great facts that they have learned.

We can’t wait to go and see the butterflies again.

It was fantastic- Coral

We got to share some of our facts about Rainforest butterflies- Paul

The butterflies are nice- Joey

It was really fun –Aaraa and Abigail

They are beautiful-Robyn

We have learned lots of facts from P2-Jenna

They were colourful- Kyle

They were very pretty- Christie

Rocking Rainforests

Our new topic is the Rainforest. We have been learning all about Tropical Rainforests.

There are 4 layers in the Rainforest-Jenna

The layers are The Canopy, The Understory, The Forest Floor and the Emergent Layer- Kyle

The Rainforest is home to many animals-Ashton

The Canopy is the busiest layer-Calum S

There are some endangered animals in the Rainforest-Eva

There are lots of different types of food in the Rainforests-Harris

You can get medicine from the Rainforest-Abigail

There are monkeys in the Rainforest-Joey

The Rainforest is being cut down by people-Melanie Grace

You can get rubber from trees in the Rainforest-Cole

Tropical Rainforests are next to the equator-Jaeden

It gives us oxygen-Katelyn

There are different species in the Rainforest-Elliot

The tropical Rainforests are warm and wet-Christie

The longest river in the world is in the Amazon Rainforest and it is called the Amazon-Coral

We have been working in our co-operative learning groups to research different animals of the Rainforest- Calum H

We have made posters about the Rainforest- Calum G

We made fact sheets for the Rainforest and we are going to type these on the computers-Violet

Here are some of the diagrams we drew of the Rainforest layers.





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