All about length

In maths we have been measuring the length of our feet, hands and thumbs. Harris and Ashton have the longest feet in the class and Jaeden has the smallest. Christie has the smallest thumb. Lots of us have thumbs, which are around 6 cm long. We also measured our heights. Alfie and Ashton are the tallest in the class.

10mm is 1cm-Alfie
100cm are in a m-Eva
There are 1000m in a km-Hannah

We have all enjoyed learning about length.

Here is primary 3s height chart

Robyn’s are is smaller than mine-Jenna
Corals waits is longer then mine-Alfie
I am taller than Christie-Hannah
Abigail is taller than me-Eva
My arm is bigger than Kyles-Paul
My arm is longer then Elliot’s arm-Ashton
My head is bigger than Aarons-Aaraa
My head span is 51cm- Robyn
My arm is 55 cm long-Abigail
My mouth is longer than Aaraas-Aaron
My head span is bigger then Katelyns
Alfie’s arm is longer than mine-Coral
Me and Paul’s legs are the same length-Kyle
My finger is 5 cm long-Calum S
My head span is 50 cm-Christie
My foot is 19 cm- Calum H

Magnificent Music

This week we have been performing our favourite songs from ABC music. We worked in groups to perform the songs and Miss McGregor videoed them. It was fun performing to our friends and we learned how to work in a group and present what we had been learning. We also learned how to be a good audience and sit and watch our friends.

When we watched our videos back we were able to see how good we were and look for things we want to get better at next time.

It was marvelous. You don’t talk in the audience-Jenna
I thought that everybody would be amazed-Christie
We had a really good time singing-Alfie
We all had really good fun-Hannah
We learned how to dance to the songs-Paul
I learned that you don’t have to do normal dancing you can do different dancing-Aaron
I learned how to work in a good group-Robyn
We learned about songs-Jaeden
When I went up I felt so confident, like I was someone new-Cole
We learned hot to be a good audience, sit calmly and watch the people when they are doing it-Aaraa

Here are our great groups

Autumn trees

We made autumn trees. We used purple, red, blue, orange and brown to make the night sky. We used soft pastels and we smudged the colours together using our fingers. We left out a circle for the moon.
On top of the moon we drew trees using the soft pastels. We thought about the shapes that we were drawing and used the sticks we found last week to help us. We drew our trees wiggly with branches growing on them.
Here are some examples of our autumn trees.

Literacy week

This week was literacy week. We were researching a famous artist, Luiza Vizoli. Luiza was born in Europe. Luiza likes to draw forests, flowers, sunsets, seasons and trees. She uses pastels, paints, and pencils to create her masterpeices. Luiza also uses glass and gems to make her paintings 3D, just like primary 3s 3D pumpkins.

We created our own picture after looking at Luiza’s artwork. We went outside to look at trees and leaves and we discussed their shapes and colours. Then we sketched the trees onto orange paper. After we drew our trees we used oil pastels to add colour, we also added coloured spirals, just like Luiza does in her artwork.

As we are now artists, just like Luiza, we wrote an autobiography to display with our artwork at the art show next week. We included information about what we like and ourselves. We also wrote about what we liked about art. We said what we like to draw and what equippment we like to use. Some of us were able to write about how we completed our trees and the steps we went through. We all enjoyed writing about ourselves and we even published our autobiographies on the laptops.

I hope you all have a very good weekend and are looking forward to Chryston Primaries Art Exhibition.

Halloween week

Primary 3-class blog

We have been learning how to count up in 100s all the way to 1000. Our learn it this week is 5 + 2 = 7 and we can write the fact family for this. In Big maths we have been doubling and halving our 10 numbers, Jenna knows that double 30 is 60.

The whole class have learned how to measure length, we have used rulers to measure length. We know that there are 100 cm in a m. We have been estimating the length of objects and checking our estimations with a ruler. An estimation is a sensible guess. We also learned how to draw a table to display our results.

This week the Cat in the Hat group have moved to purple books, they have been learning how to write questions.
We have all been working on writing our books in our own words. We know we need to include information from the beginning, middle and end.
This weeks phoneme was ea and we worked really hard to improve the scores on our spelling challenge.

This week we made 3D pumpkins. We used white paper. We painted it orange then we let it dry. Once it was dry we cut out strips. We stuck the strips together at the bottom and top to make a round shape. We added eyes and a mouth. At the top we stuck some green paper and a piece of string to hang the pumpkin. They looked great.

We know how to paly to a beat with our class. We all had our own instruments and played low and high sounds. In music we have been learning the names of instruments and we met some new instruments. Some of us got to be the conductor in music which was great fun.

In ICT the Cat in the Hats used Pages to publish their literacy work. We have also been using the popplet app again so that we don’t forget how to use it.

A busy week for P3

We have been learning lots in class this week. We are very busy bees in Primary 3.

We have been learning how to do chimney sums for adding and take away. This means that we can add bigger numbers, the sums are really easy once you know how. Mrs Woodward had a look at our chimney sums and she was very proud of us all.

In literacy we are all enjoying our books and we are learning lots of new phonemes.
We have all been learning about nouns and verbs. We know that a noun is a thing, person, place or an idea and a verb is an action word. We even know that a proper noun has a capital letter.

In PE we have been learning how to be healthy and doing exercises that increase our heart beat.
In primary 3 we are all bucket fillers. That means that we are all nice to each other and we do nice things for other people in the school.

We got to try some musical instruments this week. We looked at how they were made and what sounds they make hen you paly them. We all got a chance to play different ones and we played them in unison. Miss McGregor thought that we were really good at stopping at the signal.

We have been learning how to word process on the lap tops. We can all save a file in Microsoft word. On the I pads we have created a pic collage on recycling. We really enjoyed this and we were able to crop all the photos.

Lots of learning


We have all been learning how to make character studies, this is when we draw the character and write things that describe them around our drawings. The Cat in the hats and the Gruffalos have been answering comprehension questions.

We were writing about characters too and adding in their thoughts and feelings.


We have been counting our ten numbers and writing our number names up to 10!
On Friday we looked at rounding numbers to the nearest 10 and we know that if the number ends in 1,2,3 or 4 we round DOWN. If the number ends in 5, 6, 7, 8 or 9 we round UP!

We met PIM this week and he helped us with its nothing new!


We had fun making our own superheros, you will be surprised when you see their faces.


We had fun looking at primary and secondary colours and we mixed our primary colours to make green, orange and violet.


We were learning about rhythm and adding actions into songs in music. This was great fun!

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