Toy Workshop at Summerlee!

Yesterday Primary Two went on a school trip to  Summerlee Heritage Centre.

Conor M remembers that we had to go an a bus to get there. Adam said we had to walk with our partner and Mrs McLoone, Hugh’s Dad and Atholl’s mum.

When we got there we got to look at some toys – Jack.

Some of the toys were very old and some of them were new – Jennie

Some of the toys were over 100 years old – Katie

We had fun playing with all  the toys – Cameron

Then the girls got some frilly skirts and the boys got some fancy shirts – Lauryn

We got to dance to music from a long time ago, one was called ‘The Twist’ – Joshua and Olivia

After all the dancing we got to make our own Toy Santa – Brielle

We used paper, glitter and a stick to make a Pop-Up Santa – Callum and Jay

After all that we got on the bus to go back to Chryston Primary School! – Adam

We all had a fantastic day, and we said a big thank you to the lady at Summerlee for helping us have a great morning!!

Please have a look at our pictures and leave comments!

P2’s Partner Work

Today we have been doing partner work! We chose partners that we didn’t normally work with! It was good to work with someone different and we got to know something new about them like what they wanted for Christmas!

We did this task because Natalie Russell who wrote our book ‘Lost for Words’ in her story had Tapir create a beautiful picture for his friends Giraffe, Hippo and Flamingo.

So we decided to draw a beautiful picture of something we thought our partner would like. We had to talk our new partner about what they like.

After we drew our pictures we shared what we drew for our partner with the whole class! Katie found out that Craig likes Toy Story! Joshua found out that Atholl wants to be in a band. Conor found out that Jay likes motorbikes!

When we were finished we gave our partner the picture we drew for them. We all remembered to say Thank You! Some of our pictures will be up on the wall too.

Goodbye, thank you for reading!

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The Scottish Book Awards Week 1!

Our book this week is Princess Penelope and the Runaway Kitten.

The Princess was bored and she wanted to play with the kitten – Atholl

The kitten ran away with pink wool round its tummy – Mya

The pink wool went around the guard – Conor M

The pink wool was going all over the place – Olivia

Princess Penelope found the kitten having a sleep with its mum! – Riley

In class we have been working on Beginning, Middle and End tasks…

You have to write your own words in your sentences – Adam

You have to draw 3 pictures when your sentences are finished – Lauryn

The Cat in the Hats had more lines because they were telling more detail – Jack

Atholl knows we had 12 lines to fill!

The Elmers had to put the Beginning, Middle and End in order – Hugh

Here are some pictures of our tasks…

Thank you for looking at our Blog post, please keep reading our blog and leave comments!

Gymnastics with P2

Riley and Jennie came up with the title for this blog post!

We have been busy doing different type of rolls…

Nieve remembers doing the pencil roll.

Jack liked doing the sausage roll!

Conor M could tell us that this picture shows a good example of the lunge.

Laya remembers that the lunge can be a bit tricky because your legs are going different ways!

Riley could tell us with the help of Callum I that this is an example of the arch. The arch is tricky because you’re pushing yourself up!!

Lauryn could tell us that this is a picture of the bridge move. But Brielle said that it can also be called the crab.

Ashton reminded us that this was when we were balancing. Katie told us that we had two people because it means the other person won’t fall. We are very good partners in P2.

Leona remembers that we were working in 4 small group trying different games.

Lauryn told us that we also worked in this group to think up different movements that we could show off to the class.

Adam says thank you for reading, and please leave a comment!

The End from everyone (even Miss Kinloch!)

Our Learning in Literacy

This week we would like to share some of the work we have been doing in Literacy.

The Cat in the Hats:

We have been getting new books that have new characters. We have been working so hard that we have moved up a book band and now have orange books. Have a look…

They have also been creating fabulous sentences using ‘their’ and ‘there’. It was tricky to start with but we got much better.

The Grufallos:

We’ve been trying to make sentences with our new book Tiger. They created fantastic Zig Zag books thinking about the Beginning, Middle, and End and coming up with our own sentences. We also created a new adventure for Tiger which had us using our thinking caps and imagination!


Erin remembers that we will be getting new Phonics Partners next week for using our Magnetic Boards. Jay told us that the new sound we are learning is au. Leona knows that the au sound is found in ‘because’.

Thank you for reading the blog and please leave comments!

Children in Need!

We got to design a friend for Pudsey and we had lots of fun dressing up. Check out our pictures…

What we liked about Children in Need…

Emma liked getting to do Pudsey activities

Ashton liked getting to design a new friend for Pudsey.

Jennie liked learning all about how Pudsey helps others and the colouring sheet.

Cameron liked colouring in Pudsey.

Thank you for reading our Blog, from Primary 2.

Tiling in Maths

We have learned to tile this week in maths. Adam remembers that you have to not overlap and no gaps. Connor E knows that the shapes have to be touching to make a pattern. We got to glue shapes on and we had to make a plan. Spongbob helped us with our Tiling and Riley brought in a Lego Spongebob.

Mrs Woodward and Abby vistited us during our Tiling lesson and we liked showing off our Tiling work.

Laya liked making patterns with the shapes.

Nieve liked getting to draw patterns.

Brielle liked getting to pick different shapes.

Check out our great examples of Tiling…

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