Fruit Kebabs

As part of health week we decided to make our own fruit kebabs. It was quite tricky because we had to cut lots of different fruit. We used bananas, strawberries, oranges, pineapple and grapes. It was delicious.  We thought it made a great healthy snack! Once we finished making it we wrote some instructions on how we made it so we could make it again.

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Caring for our Butterflies

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Primary 2 have been so busy these last few weeks, we had caterpillars, we have watched them create their chrysalis and even saw some hatch out into their butterflies.

Erin “When they first hatch there wings are all crumpled, but they stretched them out to dry so they can fly.”

Kevin “We gave them sugary water and oranges to eat”.

Peyton “The butterflies have a big long tongue that looks like a straw and they suck up the food.”

Lewis “We also got to decorate the net with leaves, twigs and flowers to make them feel more at home.”

After we looked after and watched them for a few days we released them outside.

Benjamin “Lots of classes came to watch too!”.

Oliver “At the start the butterflies all flew out but then they didn’t want to so we had to help them by letting them climb on our hands, it was fun they were tickley.”

Annmarie “we miss the butterflies already.”

Klea “I am very sad they are gone now.”

Erin “I cannot believe I got to hold one, it was very fun!”.

David “one took ages to come off of my finger, it was licking my finger because it thought I was nectar.”


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Our caterpillars are in their chrysalis and we wondered what it would feel like so we wrapped ourselves up. We came up with different words to describe how it felt inside a Chrysalis and wrote about it. We felt squished, warm and comfy!

When we broke out the Chrysalis we felt excited and free!


Caterpillars arrive

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Primary 2 were very excited to find out our caterpillars have arrived. We have been learning all about their life cycles.

Benjamin “They start as eggs then a caterpillar hatches out, then it eats lots of leaves”.

Michael ” It makes a chrysalis then it turns into a butterfly”.

Amy “I am very excited to see a real chrysalis, because I have never seen one before.”


Shake Shake Shake to make butter

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If you want to make butter this is what you will need to do.

Elli “First you need to put a marble and cream into a container.”

Then it’s the fun part,

Evie “Then you need to put the song Shake it Off on and you need to keep shaking the container”.

Michael “Then the cream splits into butter and milk”.

Annmarie “Now you can put it on bread or a biscuit and eat it “.

Primary 2 thought the butter was magnificent!



Fun at the Farm

Annmarie “We had lots of fun on our school trip to the farm”.

Elli “There was big bouncy pillows that we got to jump on because we were so freezing it helped to warm us up.”

William “We got to feed pigs, cows, sheep and goats! My favourite part was feeding the goats, the babies were playing tig.”

Oliver “We had lots of fun at the farm, but the weather got quite cold and rainy.”

Ayva “My favourite part was holding lots of animals like rabbits and a chicken, we got to feed them too.”

Michael “My favourite part was going on a tractor ride. we saw cows that were pregnant. We also found out cows had 3 stomachs.”

Kevin “We got to give lambs milk, we had to use a  bottle so they could get the milk.”

We had a great time at the farm and so did Miss Nisbet.

Here are some great pictures of our trip to Brairlands farm.

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