Art and Design and Photography

Homeschooling Revision Resources:

New resources for Senior Phase Pupils.  Monday 4 May, 2020.

Update – Monday 11 May.  Miss Prentice has added this new powerpoint for pupils who have chosen Advanced Higher Art and Design:

Advanced Higher Art and Design

And here is a PDF version of the same presentation:


Pupils who have now chosen to do National 5, Higher and Advanced Higher  Art and Design in 2020, and pupils who have chosen Photography in 2020 – please read.  We now have work for you to start your course.  Please see below.  First, we have information for National 5 and Higher Art and Design pupils, then information and work for Advanced Higher pupils, and then information and work for Photography pupils.  The main thing is to KEEP CHECKING THIS WEBSITE every week for work to do in order to start your course.

Higher Photography
Pupils who have selected Higher Photography as a course option – please join the Higher Photography 2020 Team by emailing Miss Johnstone.  Please contact Miss Johnstone on glow: 
You will then be added to the new microsoft teams photography group and given work to do.

Your first assignment has been added and should be completed for Wednesday 13th May.
Looking forward to seeing my new class over in Teams!
Also, photography course information is provided further down this page so make sue you read this too.
Miss Johnstone

New National 5 and Higher Art and Design  – Please Read (Advance Higher information if further down page)

First, new National 5 and Higher Art and Design pupils should email Miss Johnstone to get access to the new teams groups for your new coursework. Email her through Glow and you’ll be added to this new S5/S6 Art and Design team: 

New Advanced Higher pupils should email Miss Prentice to get set-up on microsoft teams:


Now, all pupils please read the following below to get started on your new course.  Information for Nat 5, Higher, Ad Higher and photography is provided.

If you have picked National 5 or Higher Art and Design, please also have a look at the following presentation that outlines the requirements of both courses.

If you have completed National 5 in S4 you will recognise the Higher course is remarkably similar. The main difference is the challenge required in the exam. You are required to have a deeper understanding of the artist and designer you learn about in class and have further developed your analytical skills.

At Higher, both Design and Expressive folios are the same structure as at National 5 however, Higher Art and Design requires you to show further refinement in skills such as media handling, problem-solving, planning and self-evaluation.

During this week, the Art and Design department will provide you with work to get started on your Design and Expressive folios.  We will post all work on this website.  This work should be completed before August.

Many thanks and stay safe – Art and Design teachers.

New National 5 and Higher Art & Design Pupils – Piece of work No. 1

Here is the first part of your new course,  it is very important information in relation to your new course.  Click on the link below to get access to the PDF file.

Art and Design N5 and H Course

Advanced Higher Art and Design

New Advanced Higher Art & Design Pupils – Piece of work No. 1


For those of you taking Advanced Higher Art & Design, this week needs to be about decision-making. National 5 and Higher Art & Design required you to produce both an expressive AND a design folio. However, in Advanced Higher, you are required to choose to produce EITHER an expressive OR a design folio. Your work will all be on larger boards for Advanced Higher (A1 size) and you are required to produce between 8 and 16 of these A1 boards.

Over the next few weeks, we will look more closely at the course structure and how to begin your folio. This week, first of all, you must decide if you want to do expressive or design. For most of you, this will be an easy decision to make as chances are, you’ve always preferred and been stronger in one area.

After this decision is made, you need to start thinking about a theme or stimulus. Choose something that you are interested in and enjoy working on, something that has ‘mileage’ in it to allow you to generate plenty work. Some of the themes from this year’s candidates were, the body: inside out, gender stereotypes, emotions and moods, lilies, food: natural v synthetic, vegetables: close up/inside.

When you have decided on your theme/stimulus, you can begin to research it. This can be done online. You can save relevant and interesting images, use Pinterest, make a PowerPoint or produce a Word document. Do what works for you. You are basically gathering images on your theme for your first board to set the scene – a mood board. These images can be photographs, artwork, market research (design) etc.

Next week, I will provide more details and give further research tasks.

For now – two decisions, keep it simple J

Below are links to view Advanced Higher work, to inspire you and give you some ideas of themes.

Miss Prentice.

Higher Photography Course

Higher Photography 2020 Microsoft Teams
First of all, pupils who have selected Higher Photography as a course option – please join the Higher Photography 2020 Team using the code n0j4bk9

Your first assignment has been added and should be completed for Wednesday 13th May.
Looking forward to seeing my new class over in Teams!

Also, if you have picked Higher Photography, please have a look at the following presentation that outlines the requirements of the course. I have also included an example of “Unit Work” to show you the type of work you will go on to do throughout the year.

To give you an idea of the work involved in the course – the “Unit Work” features two photography shoots – the Final Project usually requires you to carry out 10-12 individual photography shoots which you have planned to fit into your personal project.

The Higher Photography course is a demanding and rewarding course that builds up many transferable skills such as – analysing, planning, working independently, self-evaluation, and refinement.

As this course is a “crash Higher” you will need to build a base of knowledge and skills at the beginning of the course before embarking on the more independent parts of the course. I will be setting weekly tasks you can complete at home which will help to build these skills.

Thanks,  Miss Johnstone.


HIGHER Photography Course




Welcome to the Art and Design department webpage.  As well as using Glow during this time of homeschooling, we are also using the school website to post educational tasks for all pupils to use.  The tasks will be introduced in italics, explaining the year group the task is for and what you will learn from working through the task.

Members of Staff

Miss J Glenn – Teacher of Art and Design

Miss L Johnstone – Teacher of Art and Design

Miss T Prentice – Teacher of Art and Design

Task: S1 Observational Drawing 

Hello S1.  Below, you will find a tonal drawing exercise to get you started with your distance learning. This will help build on the observational drawing skills you have been using during your Art and Design classes so far this year. 

Be resourceful and use any paper you have at home – back of a cereal box, printer paper, lined paper, an old envelope etc. Take a photo of your finished drawing and upload it on to the “S1 Art and Design 2020” Team you have been added to.  Your Art and Design teacher will then give you some feedback on your work

The Art and Design department are aiming to provide you with two or three tasks per week which will be a mix of drawing, design, photography and research tasks. We hope this keeps your Art and Design skills developing during the time we are not at school. 

Looking forward to seeing your great drawings! The Art and Design Department 

Task: S2 Observational Drawing 

Hello S2.  Below you will find a tonal drawing exercise to get you started with your distance learning. This will help build on the observational drawing skills you have been using during your Art and Design classes so far this year. 

Be resourceful and use any paper you have at home – back of a cereal box, printer paper, lined paper, an old envelope etc. Take a photo of your finished drawing and upload it on to the “S2 Art and Design 2020” Team you have been added to.  Your Art and Design teacher will then give you some feedback on your work. 

The Art and Design department are aiming to provide you with two or three tasks per week which will be a mix of drawing, design, photography and research tasks. We hope this keeps your Art and Design skills developing during the time we are not at school. 

Looking forward to seeing your great drawings! The Art and Design Department

Miss Prentice has found this video for all pupils to watch.  It goes through how to avoid some common mistakes you can make when undertaking Art and Design work:

Miss Johnstone has found these videos to help you with your coursework.

Art and Design – Research
S1 & S2 pupils can watch the following videos to learn some interesting facts about these well know artists and designers.
S1 – S3 Portraiture

Pupils can use the following Youtube tutorials to help them build upon their existing portraiture skills. Try doing a “before” and “after” drawing to see how much you have improved.

1.Drawing eyes:
2. Drawing lips
3.Drawing a nose

S1- S3 Curriculum for Excellence (CfE) Art and Design Course

Pupils in S1 – S3 follow a follow a Broad General Education in line with the principles of Curriculum for Excellence.  S1 and S2 pupils receive 2 periods of Art and Design per week, S3 pupils (who have chosen to specialise in this subject as part of their Broad General Education specialisation choice process) 3 periods.  During the course of the CfE Art and Design course, pupils undertake work based around either ‘Expressive’ Units or ‘Design Units’.  ‘Expressive’ Art and Design work is about pupils being able to communicate their own personal ideas in a visual way.  In the Broad General Education course there are various Units which allow pupils the opportunity to develop their own artistic personal preferences and style through the following creative process:

  1. Select a theme/stimulus
  2. Investigation and Research
  3. Development
  4. Final Outcome
  5. Evaluation

Here are some examples of our Expressive Units in the Broad General Education course:

  1. Still Life Painting
  2. Tonal Half Portrait
  3. Landscape Painting
  4. Portraiture

‘Design’ Units involve solving a problem, planning how something will look and function and how it will be made. Pupils produce work in response to a design brief they have discussed with their teacher.  Design work invloves the following design process:

  1. Design Brief
  2. Investigation and Research
  3. Development
  4. Design Solution
  5. Evaluation

The design process is essentially a problem-solving activity, which pupils complete step by step.  Here are some examples of Design Units in the Broad General Education course:

  1. Halloween Paper Craft
  2. Sealife Centre Bag Design
  3. Energy Bar Packaging Design
  4. 3D Neckpiece Design
  5. DVD Cover for Animated Film Design

In addition to Art and Design work, photograpghy is now part of the our Braod General Education curriculum and this subject is delivered by Art and Design teaching staff.  Pupils will receive tuition in the use of professional photography equipment, using a range of technical and creative approaches to produce images.

In all our our Art and Design course from S1 through to S3 , pupils follow skills based courses, developing confidence in Expressive and Design.  All Units covered are focussed on the development of skills and confidence whilst allowing learners to build on prior learning and apply learning in new and unfamiliar contexts.  In addition, pupils are given regular homework tasks to consolidate and develop the learning completed in class.

The Units also provide extensive opportunities for pupils to develop their numeracy and literacy skills, as well as incorporating aspects of other school subjects leading to inter-disciplinary learning, to encourage them to understand the wider context of their learning and link relevant aspects to cross-curricular areas.

Senior Phase

Pupils in S4 receive 4 periods of Art and Design per week and, depending on their progress during the course of the year will undertake either National 4 or National 5 Art and Design courses.  National 4/5 Art and Design courses deliver three elements: Design, Expressive and associated Critical Activity. National 4 is internally assessed with pupils completing two units (Expressive and Design) and an added value unit which forms the final solution for both.  National 5 pupils also complete two units (Expressive and Design), but this course is externally assessed by a portfolio sent to SQA and includes a written exam.   In S5/S6 pupils then progress to Higher Art and Design with 6 periods per week being taught, with pupils also having the opportunity to study Advanced Higher Art and Design in S6.  Higher Photography is also offered to pupils in S5/S6.

National 4 Art and Design

The Art and Design National 4 consists of three units:

Art and Design: Expressive Activity Unit – This unit is a combination of practical and integrated Art and Design Studies critical work. This is a practical unit, developing skills in the Expressive element of the course. Pupils work through 3 stages (Research, Development & Final Outcome), exploring drawing techniques, a variety of media, composition and a study of the visual elements. Pupils are also expected to study the work of artists in their practical units.

Art and Design: Design Activity Unit – This unit is a combination of practical and integrated Art and Design Studies critical work. This is a practical unit. Pupils this session are studying either Textile or Product Design, in the field of 3D Design.  As with the Expressive element, there are 3 stages to the Design process (Research, Development & Final Solution). Pupils are also expected to study the work of designers in their practical units.

Added Value Unit: Practical Activity – To achieve Art and Design National 4, learners must pass both units, and the Added Value Unit. The Added Value Unit draws upon the skills, knowledge and understanding learners have developed throughout the course to complete a final solution for both the Expressive and Design Units.


National 5 Art and Design

In order to pass this subject at National 5, pupils must internally pass the following individual units.

Art and Design: Expressive Activity Unit.  This unit is a combination of practical and integrated Art and Design Studies critical work. This is a practical unit, developing skills in the Expressive element of the course. Pupils work through 3 stages (Research, Development & Final Outcome), exploring drawing techniques, a variety of media, composition and a study of the visual elements. Pupils are also expected to study the work of artists in their practical units.

Art and Design: Design Activity Unit – This unit is a combination of practical and integrated Art and Design Studies critical work. This is a practical unit. Pupils this session are studying either Textile or Product Design, in the field of 3D Design.  As with the Expressive element, there are 3 stages to the Design process (Research, Development & Final Solution). Pupils are also expected to study the work of designers in their practical units.

UNIT ASSESSMENT – To gain National 5, learners must pass all Units Units are as pass or fail assessed by the school (following SQA external quality assurance to meet national standards)

COURSE ASSESSMENTTo achieve National 5 pupils will also be externally assessed by means of the Portfolio Assessment Task. This task consists of two component parts, component 1 and component 2:

COMPONENT 1 Portfolio Assessment Task – Pupils will produce one piece of expressive art work and one design solution. It will include a selection of development ideas that inspire and link with the finished works. Worth 160 marks (80% of the course assessment marks)

COMPONENT 2 Exam Question Paper – The question paper allows pupils to demonstrate their knowledge and understanding of Art and Design practice in an extended response format. Worth 40 marks (20% of the course assessment marks)


Higher – S5/S6 Higher Art and Design

The course structure for the Higher is similar to the National 5 for Art and Design. The main difference with the Higher is with the Art & Design Studies written paper. The higher exam paper is worth 60 marks of the overall award.

In order to pass this subject at Higher, pupils must internally pass the following individual units:

Art and Design: Expressive Activity Unit – This unit is a combination of practical and integrated Art and Design Studies critical work. This is a practical unit, developing skills in the Expressive element of the course. Pupils work through 3 stages (Research, Development & Final Outcome), exploring drawing techniques, a variety of media, composition and a study of the visual elements. Pupils are also expected to study the work of artists in their practical units.

Art and Design: Design Activity Unit – This unit is a combination of practical and integrated Art and Design Studies critical work. This is a practical unit. Pupils this session are studying either Textile or Product Design, in the field of 3D Design.  As with the Expressive element, there are 3 stages to the Design process (Research, Development & Final Solution). Pupils are also expected to study the work of designers in their practical units.

UNIT ASSESSMENT To gain Higher, learners must pass all Units Units are as pass or fail assessed by the school (following SQA external quality assurance to meet national standards)

COURSE ASSESSMENT To achieve Higher pupils will also be externally assessed by means of the Portfolio Assessment Task.

This task consists of two component parts, component 1 and component 2:

COMPONENT 1 Portfolio Assessment Task – Pupils will produce one piece of expressive art work and one design solution. It will include a selection of development ideas that inspire and link with the finished works. Portfolio Assessment Task worth 160 Marks (73% of the course assessment marks)

COMPONENT 2 Exam Question Paper – The question paper allows pupils to demonstrate their knowledge and understanding of Art and Design practice in an extended response format. Exam Question Paper worth 60 marks (27% of the course assessment marks)


S6 Advanced Higher Art and Design

Advanced Higher in Art & Design offers a natural progression from Higher. The AH course consists of a combination of two units – a mandatory ‘major’ unit of 80 hours study (2 credits) from Design, Expressive or Art & Design Studies and an optional ‘minor’ unit of 40 hours (1 credit). Both units must be on a related theme or area of study to suit the student’s personal skills and interests. This course requires a minimum of 6 periods of study weekly, plus work in students’ own time on sketchbooks, research and folio work. There are no formal exams for Advanced Higher; assessment is based on class work folios and research.


S5 & S6 Higher Photography

In order to pass this subject at Higher, pupils must internally pass the following individual units:

  • Image Making Unit
  • Contextual Imagery Unit

UNIT ASSESSMENT To gain Higher, learners must pass all Units Units are as pass or fail assessed by the school (following SQA external quality assurance to meet national standards)

Course Assessment

To achieve Higher pupils will also be externally assessed by means of the Project.

The Project will assess the learner’s ability to integrate and develop creativity and technical skills within a negotiated photography project which will have three sections:
Research and Investigation, 25 marks
Development and Production, 60 marks
Evaluation, 15 marks
Project total – 100 marks


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