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The SQA Process

SQA – Final Provisional Grades

Your son/daughter will be issued with a list of their Final Provisional Grades on Monday the 21st of June, subject to final confirmation by the SQA on the 10th of August 2021.  A letter has been emailed to all parents outlining how these will be issued to pupils.  This can also be found on the ‘Pupil Information’ Team.

For more information about the ‘Alternative certification model’ and this year’s appeals process please follow the links below.

S5 Information – Captain & Vice Captain Interviews

Mrs Creaney and Mrs Burton will be interviewing for the posts of Captains and Vice Captains of Coatbridge High School session 2021-2022 on Thursday 17th of June. Please look at the PowerPoint for more information on these exciting leadership roles and, if you are interested in being considered for a position, complete the application form and email it to Mrs Burton at the address on the last slide of the PowerPoint by Friday the 11th of June.  House Captain and prefect interviews will take place after the summer holidays.

SQA – Important Update

Please be aware of the following update from the SQA regarding ongoing disruptions to pupils as they undertake assessments. Parents can find more information here.

National Qualifications 2021 Group – Disruption to Learning – Learner message

The National Qualifications 2021 Group appreciates that you may have concerns regarding the levels of disruption to you learning due to the COVID-19 pandemic, and the effects this will have on gathering the evidence that your teachers or lecturers need to determine provisional results for National 5, Higher or Advanced Higher,

Flexibility in gathering learner evidence

Provisional results in 2021 will be based on teachers and lecturers using assessment evidence of your knowledge, skills and understanding of the course. For teachers and lecturers to do this, you will need to complete tests or assessments set by your school, college or training provider.

The key difference between the formal SQA exam diet, which was cancelled for 2021, and the assessments that you will take in your school, college or training provider is the flexibility around how and when assessments take place. This means that, as far as possible, there should be maximum opportunity for you to complete the required learning and be given the best chance to succeed in your course assessments. See below for more information about what to do if you feel this is not the case for you.

The flexibility available to teachers and lecturers this year means that the opportunities for gathering evidence do not need to be based on a single assessment. Schools, colleges and training providers are being encouraged to make use of this flexibility in gathering the right quality of assessment evidence that shows your knowledge, skills and understanding of your course.

Schools, colleges and training providers also need to provide additional assessment arrangements, as they would under normal circumstances, for those learners who are disabled or have identified additional support needs.

If you need any additional assessment arrangements, and do not feel they are being provided to you, or you feel that your opportunity for generating evidence is being restricted please speak to your teacher or lecturer in the first instance. Schools, colleges and training providers have established processes in place and will advise you on what to do should you remain unhappy with the outcome of those discussions. This may include, for example, at a later stage, further discussion with your headteacher/centre manager or engagement with other local processes beyond the centre, if necessary.

Summary of steps taken to address disruption to learning

A number of steps have been taken to support teachers and lecturers and to help ensure as many learners as possible can generate the assessment evidence required to decide their provisional results. This includes:

  • removing assignments and reducing content in many National Courses
  • giving schools, colleges and training providers more time to submit your provisional results
  • enhancing the e-Sgoil E-learning offer to support learners who for a variety of reasons have experienced extreme disruption to their learning
  • offering a small number of learners, who have completed their course but who have been unable to complete all the required evidence, the option to receive their Scottish Qualifications Certificate at a later date.

What to do next

If your personal circumstances have resulted in extreme disruption to your learning, including if you are or have been shielding, please speak to your school, college or training provider. As mentioned above, they will have established processes in place and will advise you on the options available to you and what to do should you remain unhappy with the outcome of your discussions. This may include, for example, at a later stage, further discussion with your headteacher/centre manager or engagement with other local processes beyond the centre, if necessary. To stay up to date on National Qualifications for 2021 visit

Values Ambassador Awards

We have been delighted to award our Values Ambassador Awards to winners for February and March. Here are some of the reasons pupils were nominated:

“Determination and commitment to digital learning during his time at the school hub January – March 2021″

“****** is dedicated to supporting a number of charities selling cupcakes and homebaking. She took part in the Fernando Ricksen Legends Challenge to support the Rangers Charity Foundation – backing and selling 291 cupcakes to raise funds for a worthy cause”

” ******** is hugely talented and has an excellent work ethic. His art work always demonstrates a high degree of skill, and creativity. In lockdown learning Adam has demonstrated highly creative design solutions to design briefs”

“***** is a Young Carer and looks after his older brother a great deal. ******* has provided a great deal of additional care over the past year while continuing with home learning at the same time.”

“******* has been a great help to me and his mum by doing our shopping for us”

SQA Senior Assembly

Mrs Creaney, Mrs Burton and Mr Cowie met with all S4, S5 and S6 to talk them through arrangements for assessments this term and SQA processes towards final grades. The powerpoint that they received can be viewed below and can also be found in the Information section under SQA (19 April – 25 June 2021).