Active Homework and Blog tasks 27th September 2016

This week we are going to add all of our active literacy and numeracy tasks and our French Blog tasks together.

I would really like to see some photo’s of your written work or screenshots of your tasks. I love to see the photo’s of you playing games with your family and your videos, so remember to email them in and I will add them!

French : Leave a comment of your writing in French. Write down “My name is……. and I am ……..years old.”

French Flag pictures, free use image, 11-60-13 by

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Active Spelling/ Numeracy Homework 15/9/16

We have had some super examples of active homework this week, well done Primary 6. Email your pictures in or leave a comment below to tell us what you have been doing!

noah_6_9_16 jayden noah


Primary 6 2016/2017


Primary 6 are delighted to be back and enjoying being one the first class to experience our new Modular Units. We are loving the space and all of our new tables and chairs. We have settled in very well and are already working very hard.

Keep checking in on us and leave us lots of comments throughout the year to let us know what you think about our learning!