Primary 6 2016/2017


Primary 6 are delighted to be back and enjoying being one the first class to experience our new Modular Units. We are loving the space and all of our new tables and chairs. We have settled in very well and are already working very hard.

Keep checking in on us and leave us lots of comments throughout the year to let us know what you think about our learning!



4 thoughts on “Primary 6 2016/2017”

  1. The phrase of Jack Robinson can be traced all the way back in the 18th century .
    It means : In a very short time / suddenly.

    There is no evidence of a historical figure who could have been the source of the saying – if there was, there is no reliable record .
    it is likely that Jack Robinson was a mythical figure.

    John Robinson was a constable of the tower of London.
    He may have been the source of the saying due to his hasty chopping off of peoples heads.

  2. The phrase quicker than you can say Jack Robinson is used when someone does something extremely quickly; almost immediately; suddenly or in a short space of time. It can also mean I took the money and ran away. I found on the internet that Jack Robinson is just a mythical person. This information may or may not be true and other people might or might not get the same information as me.

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