Welcome to Primary 6

Welcome to Primary 6, we have 33 children working with Mrs Madden. We have a very busy term ahead of us with lots of great learning opportunities for everyone!


Homework will be given from Monday-Thursday. It should be handed in by the next day, with the exception of termly projects.

Monday – Spelling & Reading

Tuesday – Spelling & Reading (French)

Wednesday – Maths & Reading

Thursday –  IDL Project, Spelling Test Practise, Reflections Logs

Reflection Logs are where the children examine the targets they have set and reflect on whether they have managed to achieve these. Please try to complete the Parent’s Comment section as we value your input in this and encourage you to discuss the targets with your children.

Useful Information

Gym Days are on Tuesdays and Thursdays.

Drama is on Mondays

All children should come appropriately kitted out for either indoor or outdoor P.E. and if possible bring a water bottle containing water only – no juice please.