P6 Fancy Dress

Today we have all made a great effort to dress up in fancy dress as a tribute to our janitor, Mr McMahon. We dressed in a range of crazy and wacky costumes in his memory as he was always ready for a laugh and enjoyed dressing up. We also collected donations along with St Aloysius which we will use to create a lasting memorial to Mr McMahon. A day of great fun for a man full of fun!!

Tie-Dye T-Shirts!!

We have had a very creative afternoon in P6. Mrs Carson kept us the liquid left over from the beetroots as part of the cooking process. We have used this liquid as a dye to create our very own fashionable tie-dye t-shirts and even some socks!! This activity has been part of our Eco/Fairtrade focus as we find extra and alternative uses for food waste. Look our for our children sporting some fanastic designs!!

One Planet Picnic

Some of the pupils in the Eco/Fairtrade Pupil Group enjoyed a Picnic on Friday afternoon that celebrated seasonal, local, organic and ethical foods. We discussed the journey made by food from nature to the dinner plate. We came to the conclusion that if we use foods in the ways outlined above then it will provide a better environment for us all to live in, hence our One Planet Picnic!