All posts by Mr Murray

Summerlee Visit

As part of our Honeywell Habitats and Britain since 1930 topics this year, we visited Summerlee in Coatbridge. We had a fantastic day with a practical wildlife workshop in the morning and then we went on the tram to visit the mines and cottages before finishing the day off with time in the play park. Oh and of course we visited the gift shop!

Golden Time

We had great fun decorating cakes and biscuits during Golden Time because we had worked so hard all week to keep all Golden Time.  We were very proud of our class and so was Miss Gibbons when she returned from Kilbowie to hear this good news.

British Fictional Characters

We are working in groups to research famous fictional characters.  Can you tell me a little about the character you are working on and some new facts that you have learned.  You could also tell me what materials you need to create the large cut out of your character.

Learning Logs

We started our learning logs in class last week and everyone thought of what went well and things they still needed to work on.  I would like you to think about the last few days and tell me one thing you have learned and perhaps something that you still need to work on in class.

One thing I have learned is…..

I’m still not sure about…..

Fizzy Drinks

Today we were investigating how to make a fizzy drink.  We learned that a man called John Pemberton was trying to find a cure for a headache when he accidentally made Coca Cola.  We used some of his ingredients to see how we could make a fizzy drink in class.  Judging by the pictures it wasn’t quite Coca Cola but we had fun exploring the investigation.

Christmas Activities

It’s that time of year again when we start getting excited about a very special visitor.  Over the next few weeks we will be doing some Christmas activities in class.  Can you think of any ideas of things we could do or how to decorate our classroom?