All posts by Mr Murray

October Holidays

Well boys and girls I hope you are all glad to be back after the holiday.  We would love to know what you were up to during the holiday so we’ll use this space for you to reply and tell us how you spent your week.

Primary 4 Assembly

We presented a fantastic Harvest themed assembly to the whole school and our parents.  We read out stories, performed a play and sang some songs.  David from the Foodbank came to uplift all the food we had collected to support local people.  Some of the carrot cake we made was shared with our guests and they all loved it.

Homework for Parents

Well done to all the parents who completed the diacritical marking homework from the open evening.  The draw took place today of all entries and Miss Gibbons selected the winner in front of the class.  The winner was Geoff Scott so Emilie collected the prize to take home with her.

Welcome to P4

Hello and Welcome to P4 with Miss Gibbons and Mr Murray

first class photo

We hope you have all had a lovely summer. We have had a great first week settling in, getting to know each other and establishing routines. We have a lovely class with 32 pupils who have come from two different classes last year.

We will have PE on a Wednesday and Friday so it would be great if the children could have their full PE kit with them on both these days. We will try and go outside for PE as much as possible, weather permitting.

Homework will be issued every monday and has to be handed in on a Friday. Each of the children have their own homework diary detailing what they have to do each night. Usually we will have

Monday – spelling

Tuesday – spelling

Wednesday – Maths

Thursday – topic related homework

Friday – spelling test. All homework to be handed in.

This term our topic will be on investigating plants and birds. We will be looking at the life cycle of different plants and birds and investigating different plants and birds within our local environment.

Future topics will include Famous Scots: Robert and Bruce, Spain and the soft shoe shuffle.

At the moment the children are working on the Hodgeheg as our class novel. Through this novel we will be able to work on our reading strategies as a class before getting our own reading books in a few weeks time.

Please keep an eye on our page for updates 🙂 We are looking forward to any comments you may have.

Miss Gibbons and Mr Murray