Pudsey is alive and well in P2
Music fun!
Pirate Day!
P2 had a wonderful time dressing up as pirates and taking part in lots of pirate themed activities. They made portraits of themselves as pirates, played the Pirate 3 in a row game, made items for our pirate play dough mats, decorated parrots, tried to find hidden treasure and played interactive pirate games on the Smartboard. We hope you like our photos.
Treat of the Week!
ICT Fun.
Phoneme Fun!
Maths is fun!
Buzzy Bee!
This is Buzzy Bee. He sits on Miss Bryce’s desk during the week but likes to go home with a hard working boy or girl on a Friday. Buzzy isn’t hard to look after. He doesn’t eat much but loves lots of cuddles and likes to go out if you are going somewhere nice. Watch out for him – he may be coming to stay soon. He comes back to school, ready for a Monday morning’s work. Please take good care of him.