Tag Archives: young leaders

Outward Bound Course

Outward Bound 2016Calderhead High School is planning an Outward Bound® residential experience for pupils in S4, S5 and S6 at Loch Eil in the Scottish Highlands from 27th to 29th October 2017.

The Outward Bound Trust is an educational charity that uses the outdoors to provide life-changing educational courses and unique experiences for young people.

The heavily subsidised cost of the course is £50 per student, which is fully inclusive of food, accommodation, bed-linen, equipment, transport and insurance.

Please see the attached letter for more information – copies have issued to pupils. If you would like your child to be considered for this course then please complete the reply slip attached and return it to Mr Robertson, Head Teacher, by Friday 15th September.

Outward Bound Letter