Tag Archives: COVID19


NHS Lanarkshire’s test and protect team is carrying out contact tracing after a person at Calderhead High School tested positive for Covid-19. They are currently self-isolating at home.

NHS Lanarkshire is working closely with North Lanarkshire Council with regards to the case and is contacting close contacts. Public health advice is being given to these individuals and they are being told to self-isolate.

Following the findings of a review, there is no evidence currently to suggest that there is transmission in the school. The risk to the wider school community has currently been assessed as low and the school will remain open.

Please click on the images below for more information (link will open in new page):

Link to letter
NHS Letter

COVID 19 Safety Measures in place in Calderhead High School

Latest update: the Scottish Government has announced that from Monday, 2nd November 2020 all senior  pupils (S4-S6) are required to wear face coverings in classrooms as well as corridors and communal areas.

Our number one priority remains that pupils are safe when they attend Calderhead High School. Since we returned in August, we have put extra measures in place to keep our community safe. As we return to school after a holiday weekend, I thought I would share with you what these measures are. I have no doubt that before June 2021 we will have added to this list. We are all aware that the three main causes of transmission of this Coronavirus is touching an infected surface and transferring this to our mouths, nose or eyes (Hand Hygiene and cleaning surfaces) or by breathing in droplets from an infected person (2m distance and face covering) or by ingesting tiny infected particles in the air (good ventilation and being outside)

Can I ask for your support in reminding pupils to wear a face covering on school transport, to wear a face covering on entry to school, in social areas and in corridors. To socialise with their friends outside prior to the start of the school day, at interval and at lunchtime. Also, that pupils should stay at least 2m away from staff and they should wash or sanitise their hands frequently throughout the day.

If you have any concerns about your child can I encourage you to contact their Principal Teacher of Pupil Support who will offer not only a sympathetic ear, but great advice gathered from years of experience.

Changes we have made this term

  1. Risk Assessment carried out prior to opening in August and reviewed on a regular basis.

  2. Face Masks are provided to staff and pupils if you do not have a face covering.

  3. Face coverings are required on school transport.

  4. Drivers of school transport are required to wear face coverings

  5. Hand sanitiser dispensing units at each entrance to the school

  6. Automatic Hand sanitiser dispensing units at entrance and exit of all corridors on all floors.

  7. Double periods introduced to reduce number of classes pupils are in each day.

  8. Double periods introduced to reduce the change overs from 18 to 3 per week.

  9. All pupils facing in the same direction in each class.

  10. S5 and S6 pupils seated within their own year group in each class.

  11. No Senior Pupils travelling to other schools or college for courses, e.g. Advanced Higher, Foundation Apprenticeship, Highers, National 5, Vocational Courses.

  12. No Senior Pupils travelling from other schools to Calderhead High School for courses.

  13. Perspex screens used in class when one to one staff help is often required.

  14. Perspex screens in place in canteen when ordering, collecting, and paying for food using cashless system.

  15. Pupils can pre-order and pay for food using Fusion App.

  16. No cash tills, money can be added to cards using the revaluating machines.

  17. Practical PE is outdoors only

  18. No changing rooms in use for PE.

  19. PE kit to be worn on the days when pupils have PE

  20. As well as in PE changes to the curriculum have been made in Music, Home Economics, Science

  21. Changes have been made to the delivery of lessons in all subjects.

  22. Desks wiped down at the end of each lesson

  23. Library books quarantined for 72 hours

  24. Face coverings to be worn in social areas.

  25. Face coverings to be worn in corridors

  26. From Monday 2nd November, all S4-S6 pupils are required to wear face coverings in classrooms as well as corridors and communal areas. Face coverings can also be worn in class by younger pupils if they so wish

  27. Pupils encouraged, if indoors, to sit with pupils from their year group at interval and lunch.

  28. 2nd S6 common room opened to allow for better distancing.

  29. S4 and S5 are now seated in the large space of the Assembly Hall to socialise in at Interval and Lunchtime.

  30. Pupils encouraged to go outside at Interval and Lunchtime

  31. S1 pupils can now leave the campus during Lunchtime.

  32. 2m distance between staff at all times.

  33. 2m distance between staff and pupils.

  34. Staff wearing face coverings in senior classes and when they deem necessary in the classroom.

  35. Pupils spaced out as much as possible in each class.

  36. Pupils encouraged regularly to wash hands using hot water and soap.

  37. Visitors limited to only those that are deemed essential to the school.

  38. Any visitor needs to wear a face covering and register their contact details.

  39. As key workers priority testing for staff or any member of their household if they show symptoms.

  40. Regular briefing updates from NLC.

  41. Headteacher on call 24/7 if there is a positive test.

  42. NLC protocols in place for dealing with a Positive Test, pupil or staff.

  43. Pupils encouraged to exit the building by nearest stairway and fire doors to prevent congestion.

  44. Pupils encouraged to make their way to class using the stairway nearest their classroom, prevent congestion

  45. S6 pupils to use “staff stairs” to make their way to class, to prevent congestion.

  46. 100 litres of extra hand sanitiser purchased and available in each classroom.

  47. Boxes of tissues deployed in each room.

  48. Electronic thermometer purchased to check for high temperatures.

  49. Isolation room and protocols set up.

  50. Our no shouting policy has been reinforced.

  51. We do not have permission for extracurricular clubs to take place.

  52. We are not permitted to offer in school study support.

  53. Day cleaner, whose remit is to minimise the risk of transmission

  54. Protocols for using PPE when dealing with first aid situations.

  55. Keep left signs have been deployed around the school

  56. Information Posters have been deployed around the school.

  57. Pupils have been encouraged not to share equipment, drinks and food.

  58. All equipment is sprayed and wiped down after use or left to soak as per regulations.

  59. S1 pupils leave class 5 mins early at interval, lunch and end of day to avoid congestion.

  60. Staff have been encouraged to ensure their rooms are well ventilated, with the door and windows open.

  61. Pupil homework, in most subjects, has moved to a digital platform to reduce the risk of transmission.

  62. No assemblies, this is for all year groups.

  63. No visiting speakers, e.g. Nil By Mouth, No Knives better Lives, Show Racism the Red Card

  64. Higher Modern Studies and History teachers making videos and putting resources on line to facilitate learning for pupils who cannot attend their classes.

  65. Video and online lessons for consortia pupils and Foundation Apprenticeships.

  66. No Parents’ Nights scheduled before Christmas.

  67. InterHouse sporting events postponed.

John Robertson


Calderhead High School


From Monday, 31 August 2020 face coverings should also be worn by staff and pupils when:

  • adults and young people in secondary schools (including special schools) are moving about the school in corridors and confined communal areas (including toilets), where physical distancing is particularly difficult to maintain;
  • adults, young people and children aged 5 and over are travelling on dedicated school transport.

We appreciate that some staff and children and young people will be unable to wear a face covering for good reasons and that position will be respected.

Staff and pupils should ensure they:

  • bring their own face coverings to school;
  • store these safely in a washable, sealable bag or container when not in use;
  • wash reusable face coverings in hot water at the end of each day; and
  • safely and hygienically dispose of disposable face coverings after use.

Please remember that a face covering can be as simple as a scarf, snood or other piece of cloth which covers the nose and mouth.

The Young Scot website has produced an excellent web page explaining the changes and further information on face coverings is available from the Scottish Government website.

Full face covering guidance is available by clicking here.


Information for Parents and Carers

Dear Parent / Carer,

I hope this letter finds you safe and well. I would like to set out some new arrangements that we have put in place to help keep pupils and staff safe. These are all in line with Scottish Government and North Lanarkshire Council guidance. As this guidance changes we will keep you updated.


Pupils travelling by transport provided by NLC do not have to wear face coverings but can if they wish. We ask that pupils sit it in the same seats for each journey.


At the start of interval, start of lunch and at the end of the school day pupils are asked to leave the building by the doors at the bottom of the stairs, this is to minimise/avoid large gatherings. There are hand sanitiser stations at the main entrances to the school and throughout the building, please make use of these to prevent the spread of any diseases.  In addition at the end of each block of learning pupils will be asked to wipe their desk to help prevent the spread of any disease.

Parents and carers

If parents or carers need to speak to someone the first port of call should be via telephone to their Principal Teacher of Pupil Support

Mrs Angela Buchanan (Burns)

Ms Louise Carson (Lochhead, acting)

Mrs Gillian Horn (Fleming)

Mrs Phee (Lochhead)

Mrs Ros Ward (Wallace, Mon, Tues, Wed AM)

Mr Leitch (Wallace, Wed PM, Thur, Fri)

Face to face meetings will only take place in exceptional circumstances and will be pre-arranged.

When dropping off your child at please remain in the car.


As we are not permitted under the guidance to use our changing rooms pupils should come to school dressed for outdoor PE and remain in their kit for the rest of the day. We recommend that pupils bring a change of footwear. On all the other days pupils should come dressed in full school uniform.

2 Week Timetable Rotation for S1 /S2 / S3 /S4

To enhance the safety of all in the school community in relation to Covid 19 NLC has introduced a 2 week timetable rotation for S1-S4. The reasons for this are:

  • To reduce pupil / staff movement during the school day
  • To reduce the number of physical interactions between different staff and pupils
  • A reduction in the number of times that pupils ‘cross over’ between classes from 18 to 3
  • There will be no loss to any pupils in allocated teaching time for each subject

Please be assured that all pupils will receive 100% of time in their subjects over the course of the 2 weeks

How will this work?

Introduction of a new rotation to the existing school timetable

This will begin from Monday 17th August 2020

Timetables will remain similar, but, follow a 2 week rotation

Week 1 RED, Week 2 BLUE

Mapping the original timetable with weeks 1 & 2 as shown below, please note Mon 5, Tue 5 and Thu 5 map onto both weeks.

Original TimetableImage original Time table



RED Week 17/8, 31/8, 14/9, 28/9, 19/10, 2/11, 16/11, 30/11, 14/12Image of red timetable


 BLUE Week 24/8, 7/9, 21/9, 5/10, 26/10, 9/11, 23/11, 7/12, 21/12Image of blue timetable


John Robertson


Calderhead High School

Letter from Derek Brown, Executive Director for Education and Families

From Derek Brown, Executive Director for Education and Families

Dear Parent/Carer,

I am writing to you at this unprecedented time in Scottish education regarding a number of important issues affecting our young people. At present, there is heightened concern about the impact of the emergency situation on our children and young people, as well as their families and this letter is to offer some clarification and reassurance regarding arrangements over the next few weeks.

As you are aware all schools in Scotland have been closed since March 24th as part of the national lockdown arrangements in response to the COVID-19 health emergency. Over this period local authorities and schools have been ensuring continuity of education provision through home learning. Ensuring vulnerable children and young people are fully supported is also a priority for us.

North Lanarkshire Council currently operates a number of Community Hubs and Family Learning Centres to provide a childcare service for the families of key workers and support for vulnerable young people. The contribution by staff in these hubs during the period has been exceptional.

You will also be aware that the government announced an extension of the lockdown for at least an additional three weeks and, in light of that, our Education and Families team is planning for this and for any further extensions that may potentially be required. We are also considering carefully what the recovery phase will look like once the lockdown arrangements end and schools start to reopen. Parents will understand that it is not possible at this stage to set a date for this.

The information contained in this letter provides a broad overview of key areas of activity being undertaken by our team. There are a number of specific issues I have outlined that you may wish to discuss with your child’s teacher or head teacher. You may find it more helpful to talk through practical issues with the people who know your child, and are therefore best to respond and help you. I know that schools have been making great efforts to stay in contact with parents and pupils, so it is sensible to recommend that this continues.

Therefore, if you have any issues relating to the contents of this letter, please email your school direct at its published email address. These email addresses are being regularly monitored by school staff who are working remotely.

I have been overwhelmed during my visits to our school Community Hubs (and in reviewing some of the online material produced by schools) at the commitment of our staff who greatly miss seeing their pupils every day. I am sure the children also miss the routine and day to day interaction that takes place in their schools, with their friends and with staff who help and support them. I know that this spirit will help us when we emerge from lockdown.

My main hope is that in such difficult times, families look after each other, make sure they stay safe and that we all do what we can to support our NHS colleagues in tackling the COVID-19 outbreak.

Please accept my very best wishes at this challenging time.


Derek Brown

Executive Director

Education and Families

Scottish Qualifications Authority (SQA) Examinations

Scottish Government guidance has clarified that in effect the academic session has ended for senior phase pupils who were preparing for examinations.

Guidance from the Scottish Qualifications Authority, which oversees examinations in Scotland, has clarified that pupil course work which had been previously submitted will not be marked by SQA or used for the purposes of the examinations process. They have said that they may be able to use this material to process appeals. The rationale for not marking this material has been due to public health advice received by the organisation.

For this session’s examinations processes teachers will be asked to use existing evidence of pupil progress to estimate their performance. These estimates will be accepted, reviewed and quality assured by the SQA, based on the prior attainment in schools. Pupils will be awarded grades following the outcome of this process.

SQA is today publishing the guidance for schools on how to complete these estimates, which are due to be returned by May 29th. This is broadly in keeping with the normal examination period. It is important to understand that North Lanarkshire schools’ activity in this area will be governed by the advice and guidance from SQA. This will include processes of appeal, for this session, details of which are still to be published.

Placing Requests

Scottish Government is clarifying arrangements for local authorities to adhere to in managing placing requests during this emergency period. This is to ensure that processes are effective in meeting required standards.

Up to this point, the normal process of placing requests has operated this session. Those we have received are being processed and we hope that decisions regarding requests will be sent to parents as soon as possible, in lines with the revised timescales established by Scottish Government.

However, the appeals process will have to be altered this year, due to the emergency and the fact that appeals hearings cannot be conducted in the normal way. We are currently awaiting government guidance as to what date such appeals will have to be concluded by and on the processes that can be used to expedite these.

Since such decisions are important to families, we will want to ensure a rigorous process operated that people have confidence in. It is important to note that these processes will continue to involve our elected members.


Of particular concern to staff across Education and Families is that of transitions. A huge amount of activity goes into these processes on an annual basis, especially where young people are moving between establishments (Early Years to Primary 1; Primary 7 to Secondary 1; and beyond school from the senior phase). However, even when young people are transitioning within their own establishment, there is always a process of handing over information between staff and relationships building between pupils and their new teachers. This is a particular challenge this year, especially for senior phase pupils who are about to embark on new courses of study.

Should the lock down period continue, such processes will require to be handled differently and we will implement different mechanisms to communicate with young people, parents and carers.

In the next few weeks, schools will be asked to consider ways to manage this range of transitions to meet the needs of their pupils. The local knowledge they have of your child or children will be at the heart of this process. A clear timeline for providing information regarding transitions will be published by each school so as to ensure that you, as a parent, know what steps are being planned that affect your child’s education.

Normally, there are orientation periods which run for the new academic session in June. We do not at this point know if such arrangements will be possible this session, but parents will receive regular updates on what is being planned. This will be communicated through schools and head teachers.

Community Hubs

Information on the locations and opening hours of our Community Hubs and Family Learning Centres is available on North Lanarkshire Council’s website – northlanarkshire.gov.uk/keyworkers. These hubs operate for the children of key workers and also for vulnerable young people.

The hubs will also provide additional services to support children and families throughout the lockdown, for those who require them. Information on such services will be provided through North Lanarkshire Council in due course.

Additional Support Needs

Of particular concern is the support of young people with additional needs. We are moving from today to a model for our ASN schools where some pupils with significant needs will undertake part-time arrangements, in order to provide some respite to parents and a measure of continuity for pupils who are most likely to find it difficult to cope with the lockdown period. We will review these arrangements in the next few weeks to ensure that they are effective in meeting the needs of families affected.

For the remainder of our young people with additional needs, schools are being asked to stay in contact with their families and to consider any remote supports that can be offered. This is a continuation of the approach we have taken so far and is based on government advice.

Providing Continuity of Learning during the Emergency Period

There has been an enormous effort across our schools to ensure that there are robust processes in place for digital learning for young people. There have also been important steps taken to support those with no digital access.

The use of different approaches to meet the needs of children and young people remotely has been hugely impressive. Schools are expected to provide advice and guidance for parents regarding access to digital learning. If any parent has a concern that they are not able to access such provision, they should contact the school directly as a priority.

Mental Health and Wellbeing

Through our schools we have continued to publish information for children and their families about health and wellbeing generally, and about mental health in particular. This information is written with the support of experts in NHS Lanarkshire and our own Psychological Services and is designed to be person centred – advice for parents.

A help line for pupils and parents has been established by our Psychological Services to ensure that supports are available. This can be contacted on 01236 812 380 between the hours of 10am – 3pm Monday to Friday.

In addition, schools will take steps to provide remote supports for young people who have mental health concerns through their normal pupil support systems.

Free School Meals

North Lanarkshire Council has put in place a voucher scheme which provides £20 per week to pupils who are entitled to free school meals. This is in excess of the cost of a school meal and is in response to the challenges families will face during this crisis period. The vouchers are sent electronically and can be redeemed as cash at Pay-Points in shops. We obviously hope that parents support their local shops by spending the money in them. The money should be used to feed families during this period. Information on the voucher scheme is to be found on North Lanarkshire Council’s website here.

It is really important that parents understand this system is based on the records of mobile phone numbers held by schools in our management of information system. Therefore, should you have any issues receiving or redeeming these vouchers, please contact us.

The Free School Meal Voucher scheme is being monitored and reviewed on an ongoing basis by a dedicated team which has been set up to manage this. If you have any concerns or enquiries relating to the scheme please email us at FME@northlan.gov.uk and a member of the team will reply to your enquiry. In order for us to assist you as quickly as possible, it would be helpful if, when emailing, you could provide the following information:

 Child’s name/children’s names:

 Date(s) of birth:

 School Attended:

 Home Address:

 Mobile Phone Number: