Tag Archives: charity

Talent Raises Funds for Charity

Beatson Charity chequeCalderhead pupils showed off their talent  at the Talent Show in December, and we were extremely impressed by the breadth and variety of talent demonstrated by our pupils. This included the prefect choir (who sang a moving rendition of “Do They Know It’s Christmas?”), the brave seniors who braved their own “Bush Tucker Challenge” and many more fantastic acts. The eventual winner was the talented pianist, Heather Duncanson, S4, who performed to great acclaim.

Our School Captains, Jay and Nicole, and Heather were delighted to be able to present the money raised from this event to the Beatson Cancer Charity.

Calderhead’s Got Talent

Cheque to BeatsonWe were extremely impressed by the breadth and variety of talent demonstrated by our pupils who performed at the ‘Calderhead’s Got Talent’ show which took place on 18th December, including the prefect choir (who sang a moving rendition of “Do They Know It’s Christmas?”), the brave seniors who braved their own “Bush Tucker Challenge” and many more fantastic acts. The eventual winner was the talented pianist, S4 pupil, Heather, who performed her own composition to great acclaim. The money raised from this event and the Christmas Jumper day has been donated to the Beatson Cancer Charity.

A cheque for £500 was recently presented to Callum from the Beatson Cancer Charity by Heather and our school captains, Nicole and Jay. A brilliant night – well done to everyone who took part!

Click here to view Heather’s performance (with thanks to Mr Duncanson for providing the video)

<p><a href=”https://vimeo.com/247961131″>Calderhead High School, Shotts</a> from <a href=”https://vimeo.com/user57385570″>Calderhead High</a> on <a href=”https://vimeo.com”>Vimeo</a>.</p>

Calderhead’s Got Talent

Calderhead's Got TalentCalderhead High School will be holding a talent show on Monday, 18th December 2017 at 7pm to raise funds for the Beatson Cancer Charity. This event has been organised by our senior pupils and many of our talented pupils will be participating. There will be singing, dancing, bagpipes, and much more – it’s an event no to be missed!

Tickets priced at £2 are available from the school office.

Pupils are also encouraged to wear Christmas jumpers to school on Tuesday (19th December) in exchange for £1 to raise funds for the charity.

Food Bank

Foodbank ImageMr Purdie’s S3 Modern Studies class have been learning about poverty in the UK and the need for food parcels to be donated to help people in need. They have decided to organise a food bank collection for the local Trussell Trust Food Bank, which is based in Airdrie. With help from the Food Bank Committee, the class has organised assemblies, created posters and raised awareness of this issue.

Donations will be collected in school on a house basis with house points being awarded to the house raising the most items. Pupils can make their donations by placing items in the appropriate house box situated to the rear of the social area.

Pupils have asked if the local community could also help with the appeal. S3 pupil, Aiden said: “It would be great if you could help by donating non-perishable food items such as tinned and dried foods like pasta, cereals, rice, tins of soup and powdered milk.” Items can be handed into the school office.

The campaign will run until Friday 15th December.

MacMillan Coffee Morning

MacMillan Coffee MorningS6 pupils organised a coffee morning on 21st September 2017 to raise funds for MacMillan Cancer Support. S6 pupils and staff were treated to an array of delicious cakes and biscuits at interval and participated in a raffle, and raised a fantastic £234.28 for the charity.

We would like to thank the Co-op who supported the coffee morning and to Mrs Alexander, who baked a beautiful cake for the event.

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S4 Achieve Class

Pupils in the S4 Achieve Class decided to help support an initiave by Ellen Paterson , Head of Shawhead Family Learning Centre, in her new role as a volunteer for Widows and Orphans of Genocide Rwanda by making up bags of basic items.

The pupils sourced items and then made up ten bags that will be handed into the Family Information Service.

MacMillan Cancer Support – Coffee Morning

The School Captains and Prefects organised a coffee morning and non-uniform day in aid of MacMillan Cancer Support On Thursday, 22nd September. They also held a “guess how many spots on the cake” competition and raffle, which helped raise £570.45 for this great cause.

Pupils would like to give special thanks to Frames Sweetie shop in Harthill, who donated cakes and money to put towards the funds. Also thank you to Bells the Bakers and Crawford’s Pharmacy, who also gave cakes and loads of great raffle prizes, which were won by the teachers at the school.

Shoe Box Appeal


We are still looking for donations for the shoe box appeal and the deadline has been extended to 18th November 2016.

We are looking for toiletries, toys, gloves, hats, scarves and any other suitable items that would be a welcome gift for children and adults. Sweets are also welcome but the expiry dates must be seen and must not expire before 2018. No chocolate, biscuits or cakes please. If you prefer to donate money instead that would also be welcome , as postage for the boxes needs to be paid.

You are also welcome to pack your own shoe box.

All donations are gratefully received.

Mrs Buchanan