Category Archives: S2

Option Choice Information Evening – 20th February

Specialisation and Choice / Options Evening – Thursday, 20th February 2020, 6pm – S2/S4 and S5

S2 and S4/S5 pupils will soon be making important decisions about their course choices for the next academic year.

You are invited to attend an Information Evening to discuss the Option Choice process on Thursday 20 February at 6.00 pm. This will give you an opportunity to meet with members of the Senior Management and Pupil Support Teams to discuss in detail your child’s progress and future pathways.
Please click below for more information.

Letter from school
S3 Options Booklet Cover
S3 Options Booklet
Options Booklet cover
S5&6 Options Booklet

Pupils Get Energised

S2 pupils participated in a “Get Energised” Investigation Day at the National Museum of Rural Life in East Kilbride recently and learned about renewable energy by participating in workshops where they had the opportunity to build their own hydro turbine, and engineer a wave technology model.

S4 Physics pupils also enjoyed a Challenge day at the Museum, where they got the chance to learn more about solar, wind, hydro and wave power by conducting experiments and meeting challenges. They also met high-profile industry experts.

“Get Energised” is a programme encouraging school pupils to explore, discover and understand renewable energy and is facilitated by the National Museum of Scotland with funding from the ScottishPower Foundation.

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St Andrew’s Hospice Fundraising

St Andrews HospiceOur S2 pupils were delighted to present a cheque for over £1400  to St Andrew’s Hospice following the sponsored climb of Tinto Hill . In return, they were delighted to receive certificates celebrating their achievement.

Pupils and staff  from Calderhead High will be participating in the St Andrew’s Hospice 6K event on Sunday, 17 September 2017. Good luck, everyone!