Category Archives: parents

Option Choice Information Evening – 20th February

Specialisation and Choice / Options Evening – Thursday, 20th February 2020, 6pm – S2/S4 and S5

S2 and S4/S5 pupils will soon be making important decisions about their course choices for the next academic year.

You are invited to attend an Information Evening to discuss the Option Choice process on Thursday 20 February at 6.00 pm. This will give you an opportunity to meet with members of the Senior Management and Pupil Support Teams to discuss in detail your child’s progress and future pathways.
Please click below for more information.

Letter from school
S3 Options Booklet Cover
S3 Options Booklet
Options Booklet cover
S5&6 Options Booklet

Holiday Lunch Clubs

Holiday Lunch Club is an exciting new school holiday programme from North Lanarkshire Council  for parents/carers and children (aged 5-16) to enjoy.

Families will get the chance to learn more about healthy eating and cooking tasty meals on a budget as well as spending time doing fun activities together.

It will be available at a number of locations, including  Getting Better Together Shotts HLC on Mondays and Tuesdays from 25th July or Wednesdays – Fridays from 27th July 10.00am – 12:30pm.

For more information, click here.



Free School Meals and Clothing Grants

Application forms for free school meals and clothing grants are available to pupils on request from the school office. You can also download a form from the Council’s website or collect one from your local First Stop Shop.

Parents and carers who applied last year have either been issued with a letter advising them of their entitlement and automatic award or an application form for completion.

More information about how to apply is available on the Council website (

Please make sure you apply soon to  ensure clothing grants are made and free school meals are registered for the start of the new session.


Online payments are being introduced in all schools across North Lanarkshire to provide parents/carers with more convenient and flexible methods of payment for school expenses.  This service will also allow pupils to reduce the amount of cash they carry to school and help reduce administration and cash handling in schools.  Cash and cheque payments can still be made in the same way as at present.

The new safe and secure payment system, called iPayImpact, will enable parents/carers to pay online  for school uniform, trips and other school expenses using a credit or debit card.   As soon as  funds are added for school meals, the money will immediately be available for your child/children to spend in the school canteen.

Letters with full information about the system and details of your child’s unique activation code have been sent home with pupils (see example below). If you have not received this letter, please contact the school.

Ipayimpact logo
Online payment link
Example Letter