Category Archives: news

Pupils attend Multilingual Debate at Heriot Watt


Calderhead High School’s Higher French class recently enjoyed the multilingual debate  at Heriot Watt University and all agreed that: “It was amazing!”

This is an annual event that showcases the interpreting skills of  students at Heriot Watt and  takes the form of a formal debate with two multilingual teams arguing for and against a motion of topical interest in a range of languages. Schools from all over Scotland participated in the debate by listening to the arguments, putting questions to the speakers in the languages represented and voting on the motion.

PI Day

Pi Day
Pi Day S1

Pi Day is celebrated on 14th March around the world and Calderhead High School enjoyed some fun ‘pi’ activities.

Pi (Greek letter “π”) is the symbol used in mathematics to represent  the ratio of the circumference of a circle to its diameter — which is approximately 3.14159. The BBC produced a great guide to pi (

Calderhead Credit Union

Calderhead now has its very own Credit Union which will run in conjunction with Newmains Credit Union. All first and second years have been invited to open up a junior account and this will extend on to S3-S6 in the coming weeks. We have 5 senior pupils who have been trained by Newmains Credit Union and will run the school credit union every Tuesday at lunch time in the social area.

Credit Union Poster

World Book Day 2016

Calderhead High School celebrated World Book Day with a number of fun activities. Classes showed off their literary knowledge by participating in a book quiz, our new book group was launched in the library and the World Book Day tokens were distributed.

Book Group
Just some of our new book group members…

WBD logo