Category Archives: Information from school

Learning from Home Update 2

Message from Headteacher

I hope you are well.  This is a quick update at the end of the first week of lockdown two!

Microsoft Teams are now up and running for all classes following the heavy traffic causing delays on Monday morning. You might find however that you are experiencing some difficulties. If this is the case then please contact us as we are here to help.

Here are four ways we might be able to help:

1. No ICT or internet access? Phone the school on 01501 826701 and ask to speak to your son/daughters’ Principal Teacher of Pupil Support. They might not be in every day due to COVID protocols but the office will forward them a message and they will get back to you.

2. Lost or forgotten GLOW Username or password? Email  or phone the school to ask that this be reset.

3. Having difficulty accessing specific aspects of the curriculum? In the first instance ask your son/daughter to message their class teacher through Teams. If this doesn’t fix the problem then contact their Principal Teacher of Pupil Support by phoning the school.

4. Speak to us about any pastoral issues. Phone the school on 01501 826701 and ask to speak to your son/daughters’ Principal Teacher of Pupil Support. In an emergency please ask to speak to the Depute Head  for their Year or in their absence the “Duty” member of SLT.

We also have whole cohort Teams and House Teams in order to support pupils.  However if there is any other way we can support your young person’s learning that we have not listed above please contact us and we will do our utmost to try to help.

At the minute with pupils being off the ability for staff to assess pupils’ work is very limited, in particular “under exam conditions”. It is therefore even more crucial that in S4 to S6 we can evidence pupils accessing Teams in case, for whatever reason, the SQA for this year changes again and we are asked to submit “professional judgements”.

John Robertson
Calderhead High School

Return to School January 2021

Update January 5th 2021
I hope this finds you well and I hope you have had a chance to spend some time during the break with those dear to you.
In light of the statement yesterday by the First Minister of the planning arrangements for the new term in January, I am providing this update to confirm a number of actions that have been planned or completed in advance of the new term.
Arrangements for the Start of the New Term
Calderhead High School will open only for childcare for key worker children (and children identified as vulnerable) between Wednesday, 6 January and Friday, 8 January. The statement from the FM also makes it clear that from 11 January – 1 February there will be a universal provision of online learning for all students, with the exception of those previously highlighted Key Worker children and those in the vulnerable group, who will be supported in person within our establishments.These arrangements are based on Scottish Government decisions, which are our responsibility to implement.  The only change in this from previous announcements is the extension of the period of on-line / remote learning till 1 February. Therefore, our plans remain as they were prior to the break, with the days of 6 – 8 January key to our planning and next stage refinement.Identifying Key Worker children
In the days 6 – 8 January, those attending school are doing so for childcare purposes.
It is possible that not all key workers will have completed the online form, with further impacts also possible by the general stay at home order announced yesterday.   It is important that any key worker wishing to access in-school childcare does complete the online form, which is referred to in the accompanying parent letter.  Head Teachers are asked to ensure that they do so.  Key worker children can be admitted to schools while this process is being completed – people should not be turned away pending the process.

Planning for the Week of the 11th and Beyond
We know this will be a developing position in January and that there is the possibility of further shifts in arrangements at each Scottish Government review point.  We need to use the first three days of term to continue to effectively plan for the delivery model for the week of the 11th and I am sure that we will learn more about how our planning needs to evolve and what next stage actions best meet expectations whilst mitigating risk.

Plan Effective Delivery
We will take the next few days to create  plans to cater for the children of key workers and vulnerable children, as well as plans to provide online learning for all pupils.

At this stage transportation will proceed for the first few days as normal and be reviewed thereafter.  We will keep you updated about this issue.
Even if no pupils attend, Calderhead High School will remain open at this stage.

Over the next few weeks, we will be reassessing the needs of our pupils. If your child is having difficulty accessing work online then please contact the school, preferably their Principal Teacher of Pupil Support Teacher in the first instance.

Please accept my very best wishes for the New Year for you and your family.

John Robertson
Calderhead High School

Please find attached a letter from Derek Brown, Executive Director for Education and Families.

Parent Letter
Key Worker form
Key Worker Form

Information regarding SQA qualifications 2021

In October of this session the Scottish Government announced the cancellation of the Scottish Qualification Authority (SQA) 2021 National 5 exams and last week they also announced the cancellation of the 2021 SQA exams for Higher and Advanced Higher courses. One week ago the SQA published on their website their plans for an Alternative Certification Model (ACM) for National 5 and we expect a similar plan for Higher and Advanced Higher in due course.

For National 5 the SQA have asked for pupil estimate grades to be based on between 2 and 4 pieces specific pieces of work. Each subject has their own specific requirements. Between now and the end of May 2021 the SQA will be checking with schools that the work is of the correct standard and that agreed National standards are being applied in all schools across Scotland. We will continue to let pupils know what grade they are working at through the Tracking Reports, the first of which was issued in November. Depending on pupil performance these Working Grades can be adjusted up and down as they move through each course. We have been asked to submit provisional grades by the end of March and final grades by the 28th of May 2021.

Given that we now know what the SQA are looking for and that there are no final exams in May 2021, and having consulted with pupils and staff over the last week, we have cancelled our Prelim Diet for National 5, Higher and Advanced Higher courses that was scheduled for February 2021. Instead we will have regular assessments at a time when staff think pupils will perform to their best. As such we are in the process of developing an assessment calendar that we will share with S4, S5, S6 pupils through Teams. We are very mindful that the SQA have asked schools to ensure that assessments used are valid, reliable, practicable and fair. We will be working with staff from North Lanarkshire schools and beyond in order to moderate pupil work and to verify that we are consistently marking to the correct standard.

Mr Graham took the time this morning to speak to all S4, S5, S6 pupils to explain the situation regarding the prelims, cancelled SQA exams and future assessments. Staff are well aware of the competing demands on pupil time and have been asked to bear this in mind when scheduling future assessment dates. As there are less than 90 days between now and the 28th May 2021 we expect pupils on average to be undertaking at least one assessment per week when we return in January.

The SQA still intend to publish certificates on the 10th August 2021, and through the regular sharing of Working Grades we hope that there will be few surprises at that stage.

This is a new situation for all of us Parents, Carers, Pupils and Staff, we will need to work together to ensure the best outcome for the pupils. This will not be easy, however I am confident we will succeed. Please contact Pupil Support in the first instance if you have any concerns.

John Robertson


Calderhead High School

Christmas Food Bank Appeal 2020

Every year in the lead up to Christmas, Calderhead High School asks pupils to donate items to our local food bank. This year the parcels will be going to local charity, Paul’s Parcels.

Pupils are asked to  donate some of the items listed below in order to make up food parcels:

  • non perishable items such as tinned goods and pasta
  • cereals and crisps
  • teabags, coffee and sugar
  • basic toiletries and household cleaning products

The donation boxes can be found in the nurture room and outside the sixth year common room, or can also be given to any member of the prefect team.

This is a whole school house event with the house with the most donated items winning house points that go towards the end of year trophy.

Items need to be in by Friday 18th December and we would be most grateful if you would donate to this very worthy cause.

Paul’s Parcels is a food poverty prevention charity, operational in the town of Shotts and the villages of Harthill, Salsburgh, Allanton and Hartwood.  They began in 2018 with a Christmas campaign which aimed to provide families with a 3 course Christmas dinner, delivered to their homes. On Christmas Day they provided food for 98 adults and children as well as a further 38 food parcels with surplus food donated.
However, realising the scale of food poverty/ insecurity within the area and after being messaged and approached to ask if they could help provide food, they set up a food bank in April 2019. They began gathering donations and asking families in need to contact them. Following lockdown in March 2020, the charity’s service was in high demand and they  began helping furloughed and self employed families as well. In April 2020 they had outgrown our room in the Scout Hall and had to find bigger premises so moved to their current location in Dykehead. In May 2020 Paul’s Parcels were granted charitable status and are now Scottish Charity SC050157.

The charity is called  Paul’s Parcels in memory of Tracey’s youngest brother Paul, who sadly passed away age 37. Paul was a manager within the Charity sector and it was his life’s work, so when it came to naming the project, it seemed only fitting. The volunteers who work with the charity are  Tracey, Gerry, Isabel, Kathleen, Gemma, Kaitlyn and our very own S6 pupil, Kayla.

Face Masks

FAce MasksUpdate: The Calderhead face masks are now available to buy. Featuring the school badge and motto, these black face masks can be washed and reused and cost £2.

Scottish Government guidance requires pupils to wear a face covering on school buses and in communal areas, with S4-S6 pupils also required to wear a face covering in class. We have a limited supply of paper Face Masks for pupils who have forgotten to bring theirs. Unfortunately the number of paper Face Masks that we are handing out is increasing on a weekly basis.

In order to be kinder to the environment I am asking that pupils wear a face covering that can be washed and reused.  To support this we will soon be selling a 2ply cloth Face Mask.

John Robertson
Calderhead High School

Scottish Youth Parliament

This year has been a tough year for everyone and we want to make sure young people’s voices are heard.
If you know of anyone who would be interested in being a voice for young people, why not encourage them to stand – please see attached poster.

Registration is open now and the closing date is 5pm on Friday 6th November.

Poster for SYP