Return to School January 2021

Update January 5th 2021
I hope this finds you well and I hope you have had a chance to spend some time during the break with those dear to you.
In light of the statement yesterday by the First Minister of the planning arrangements for the new term in January, I am providing this update to confirm a number of actions that have been planned or completed in advance of the new term.
Arrangements for the Start of the New Term
Calderhead High School will open only for childcare for key worker children (and children identified as vulnerable) between Wednesday, 6 January and Friday, 8 January. The statement from the FM also makes it clear that from 11 January – 1 February there will be a universal provision of online learning for all students, with the exception of those previously highlighted Key Worker children and those in the vulnerable group, who will be supported in person within our establishments.These arrangements are based on Scottish Government decisions, which are our responsibility to implement.  The only change in this from previous announcements is the extension of the period of on-line / remote learning till 1 February. Therefore, our plans remain as they were prior to the break, with the days of 6 – 8 January key to our planning and next stage refinement.Identifying Key Worker children
In the days 6 – 8 January, those attending school are doing so for childcare purposes.
It is possible that not all key workers will have completed the online form, with further impacts also possible by the general stay at home order announced yesterday.   It is important that any key worker wishing to access in-school childcare does complete the online form, which is referred to in the accompanying parent letter.  Head Teachers are asked to ensure that they do so.  Key worker children can be admitted to schools while this process is being completed – people should not be turned away pending the process.

Planning for the Week of the 11th and Beyond
We know this will be a developing position in January and that there is the possibility of further shifts in arrangements at each Scottish Government review point.  We need to use the first three days of term to continue to effectively plan for the delivery model for the week of the 11th and I am sure that we will learn more about how our planning needs to evolve and what next stage actions best meet expectations whilst mitigating risk.

Plan Effective Delivery
We will take the next few days to create  plans to cater for the children of key workers and vulnerable children, as well as plans to provide online learning for all pupils.

At this stage transportation will proceed for the first few days as normal and be reviewed thereafter.  We will keep you updated about this issue.
Even if no pupils attend, Calderhead High School will remain open at this stage.

Over the next few weeks, we will be reassessing the needs of our pupils. If your child is having difficulty accessing work online then please contact the school, preferably their Principal Teacher of Pupil Support Teacher in the first instance.

Please accept my very best wishes for the New Year for you and your family.

John Robertson
Calderhead High School

Please find attached a letter from Derek Brown, Executive Director for Education and Families.

Parent Letter
Key Worker form
Key Worker Form