Snow Day Work 28th February 2018 – Keep Learning

Below is a list of activities that all our wonderful Business IT and Computing Science pupils can complete today due to school closure. Stay warm and keep learning.

S1-3 Computing Science – Access the Scratch Programming Website  below and create a snow inspired game.  You can show Mrs Johnston your games when you return and her favourite will be posted on the website. Remember to look at other games on the website to get inspiration for your design and help with your code.

S1-2 Business Enterprise – We have been looking at Technology and the impact on Employment. Open the following powerpoint and either on paper or MS Word work through the following Powerpoint Employment Trends over Time

S3 Admin & IT – Investigate what TV programmes are on today and design an Access Database (if you do not have the software, design it on paper) of one of the TV channels programme schedule today.  Fields to include:  Name of Programme, Start Time, Finish Time, Genre (Family, Magazine Show, News etc)

S3 Business Management – You have been looking at Product Development in class with Mr Young.  Research  all the stages of Product Development using the Internet and create a mind map with a description of what happens at each stage.

N5 Business Management – Continue to work one your analysis section of your coursework by making notes.  Remember to access Understanding Standards Website.  You can also access the Past Papers below:


Higher Business Management – Continue to prepare for your coursework.  You all should have enough primary information from Survey’s etc to start making notes for your analysis and interpretation section.  Remember to access the Understanding Standards Website.  You can also revise using the Past Papers below:


National 5 Computing Science

Access the following HTML website to help develop your skills in preparation for your coursework:

Higher Computing ScienceMrs Donald already has links for Past Paper on the website:

Past Exam Papers

Access these and work through the topics covered to date.

Higher Admin and IT – Ms McGarry has already issued you with Spreadsheet Tasks and Files.  Work through these today.

National 5 Admin and IT – I know your not in the Faculty today but you could practice your coursework skills. Remember this Friday is the 1st instalment of our Coursework.  Have a look at the 2017 Assignment Paper (this is the old assessment structure).  Pick out the following tasks (Tasks 2,3,4,6,8,9,10,11,12 a/b and 13) to keep our skills up for Friday.

N5_Administration-and-IT_Assignment-Electronic-Files_2017 N5_Administration-and-IT_Assignment_2017