Senior Phase

On this page you will find information which will help you and your Parent/Carer to understand the Senior Phase of Education. This will include information on Option Choices, Vocational Education, Work Experience and Education Review Meetings.

The staff responsible for Senior Phase are:

Mrs Gibbons Depute Head Teacher
Miss Hughes Depute Head Teacher

2015 Options Programme

In the Senior Phase of Education (S4-S6) all young people are entitled to:

  • a curriculum which is coherent;
  • the opportunity to achieve qualifications as well as to continue to develop the qualities and skills of the four capacities
  • opportunities to develop skills for learning, skills for life and skills for work with a continuous focus on literacy, numeracy and health and wellbeing
  • personal support to enable them to gain as much as possible from the opportunities that Curriculum for Excellence can provide; and
  • support in moving to a positive and sustained destination beyond school.

Senior Phase Options

In Buchanan High we have 3 pathways to skills for life, learning and work in the Senior Phase

In each pathway all young people will have the entitlement of Pupil Support, Physical Education, Religious Education and Health & Wellbeing.

Pathway 1: S4 and S5 pupils will have the oppurtunity to choose additional academic and vocational subjects.

Pathway 2: S4-S6 pupils will have the opportunity to follow a timetable which will increase their confidence, independance and their ability to communicate and to respond to others in their own way.

Pathway 3: All S6 pupils will follow a timetable which focus on helping them gain a positive destination, whether that be in further education or employment, when they leave school.



How can I help my child in the Senior Phase of Education?

You can help your child by:

  • Participating in the Options Information afternoon in April
  • Completing the Options Form by helping your child to choose subjects which reflect their ability and/or subjects they are interested in as this can greatly improve their enjoyment and chance of success
  • Participating in Education Review Meetings

Options Information Afternoon

This is an opportunity for you to speak to the teachers offering subject choices and helping your child make informed choices.  The option form can then be completed.

Education Review Meetings

These are meetings which involve your child and all others who support them in their education.  Transition Social Workers are present at these meetings to offer advice and support on the Senior Phase of Education.  Education Review Meetings will be held as follows in 2015/16

S4 pupils – October and February

S5 pupils – September and March

S6 pupils – September, February and May

Vocational Education

These classes provide opportunities for your child to gain skills in specific areas and also to link with Further Education establishments.  In session 2015-16 vocational coursers will be offered in Beauty Care, Hairdressing, Construction, Automotive, Rural Skills (Gardening John Muir Award) and Hospitality.  Our college providers are New College Lanarkshire (Motherwell and CoatbridgeCampus) and Oatridge College, Broxburn.  In some vocational subject college lectures will teach in school and in others, pupils will attend college.



College Links

Our link with Further Education develop in S6 where pupils spend one day a week on link courses.  There are 3 types of course

Independent Link: 8.45am – 4.00pm Motherwell Campus.  Pupils are transported to and from home to college on a Thursday.

Supported Link: 10.30am  -2.30pm Mothwell Campus.  Pupils are transported to and from school to college on a Monday.  One Additional Support Needs Assistant from school stays with the pupil group.

Partnership Link: 10.30am – 2.30pm Motherwell Campus.  Pupils are transported to and from school to college on a Tuesday.  Eachpupil attending will have an Additional Support Needs Assistant.

These curses allow pupils to experience life and learning on a college campus.  A Course Programme will be provided when your child starts the Link Programme.

Work Experience

This will offer your child to experience life at work during their Senior Phase.

S4 – One week in March

S5 – One week in May

S6 – as part of their Enterprise & Employability Course.  Your child may experience a block of Work Experience (one week) or one day each week for a number of weeks.

I hope this page has helped introduce you to your child’s Senior Phase of Education.  I have in the Curriculum for Excellence page is information page on each of the subject areas on offer to enable you to consider these before attending the Options Afternoon.

I look forward to seeing you at the Options Afternoon on Thursday 30th April at 1.30pm.

In the meantime, should you wish to discuss any aspects of the Senior Phase, please do not hesitate to contact Mrs Gibbions or Miss Hughes.



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