Our School

Bothwellpark High School is a non-denominational
secondary school co-located with Our Lady’s High School
in Motherwell.

Pupils in the Broad General Education (BGE) phase are
in mixed ability, mixed age groups of children from S1-3. In
BGE classes, there is discrete teaching in the core areas of
Literacy, Numeracy and Health and Wellbeing aligned to
Experiences and Outcomes. Pupils learn about other
curricular areas through themes and have opportunities for
wider achievement through the JASS Award Scheme.

Pupils in the Senior Phase are in similar groups of S4 to
S6 children. This gives more options for flexibility, learning
with peers and collegiate working in the staff team. Pupils
in the Senior Phase work towards SQA National 1 & 2
qualifications predominantly and we are developing
opportunities for wider achievement through the likes of the
John Muir and Saltire Awards.

We have 4 BGE classes and 3 Senior Phase classes this

Pupils work at a variety of levels and in a variety of ways,
from early developmental, multisensory learning to partial
integration with peers in Our Lady’s High School. Our
curriculum is undergoing a refresh to ensure we continue to
meet the needs of our school population. A core aspect of
this development is to increase knowledge, skills and
opportunities through Outdoor Learning.

All pupils receive additional support for learning due
to a range of complex and sometimes multiple barriers to

Pupils are universally supported through a whole school
approach to nurture and a total communication environment
within small class sizes and high adult to child ratios.
Some pupils will require personalised support with daily
tasks such as eating and drinking, personal care,
communication and regulating their emotions.

We work closely with partners in health and social work to
ensure those with the greatest barriers to learning are
supported in the most effective way for them.