Category Archives: Whole School

Celtic Connections

Some pupils from Bothwellpark were given the opportunity to go into Glasgow on Thursday to watch a performance from the Celtic Connections festival at Glasgow Royal Concert Hall. We watched two bands called Farra and Manran – all the pupils loved it and were up dancing during the songs! We are lucky to have tickets for another performance this Thursday (26th)!

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18th Birthday Celebrations

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We have had three 18th Birthday’s over the past two weeks in the orange group…it has certainly been a lot of fun!

Wishing Amie, Nadine and Brad a very Happy Birthday!

We had a joint birthday disco with the Dj-ing being done by Firpark Secondary School. Everyone had a brilliant time and we are all partied out!!

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Working with Our Lady’s High School

A few pupils from Bothwellpark have been working with the Art Department in Our Lady’s High School to create some artwork for our summer assembly. They have one more session left this Friday to complete their masterpieces.  Many thanks to Lorena Steinart, Art teacher in Our Lady’s and to the S2 pupils too!


A pupil from the Orange Group has started volunteering at the coffee morning Motherwell South Parish Church on a Tuesday morning. She has been working very hard and loves helping!